The MKL Clubhouse was used in the following ways in 2006 �(an average of three days a week):
����������� Meetings of the MKL Association, Country Club & Lakeshore
����������� Adult Parties
����������� Children�s Parties
����������� TGIF�s
����������� Exercise classes
����������� Committee meetings and events (such as the VSA dinner, Recognition Dinner)
����������� Rentals (including Private Parties & Memorials)
Improvements continue.� The bar renovation project (for which funds have been already put aside last year) is in the works. The bar itself will be moved out a couple of feet to increase the area in which the bartenders can work and to allow window service for out door parties. The floor will be replaced as well. The wine/beer refrigerator has already been purchased and is awaiting installation.� Dave Denson has prepared plans we will be sending out to bid once Mick Merenda and the bar committee review the finishing details and recommends placement of the ice maker.
The basement clean-out/clean-up continues and we will be moving on to the attic.� �I�d like to thank Carl & Diane Bonar, Guy Bowden, Ray & Lorraine Negele, Charlie Priscu and Ed Bierly for their support and muscle. We were able to avoid using a dumpster this year as most of the refuse was picked up on big-garbage day.�
Other projects included the binding of left-over carpet from the installation to use as throw rugs in inclement weather and the inventory/replacement of barware and glassware (as recommended by the Country Club).� Thank you especially to Karen Morrison and Joyce & John Murray for help with this project and especially to the MKL Country Club for their $2,000 donation this year.� Following the bar project we will be upgrading the sinks and the faucets in the ladies and men�s rooms.�
From a fiscal perspective;
����������� 34% was spent on pest control
����������� 29% supplies/house wares� (included replacing barware/glasses)
28% of budget spent on disposal services/waste management
����������� 09% maintenance
The Clubhouse Committee will meet again in the spring to review the MKL Clubhouse Long Term matrix (originally created by Lori Denson) and to continue our short & long term clubhouse planning. Current members are Joan Baumgarten, Carl Bonar, Ruth Chaney, Lori Denson, Jane Dwyer, Barbara McGoldrick & myself.�� If any of you have any interest in serving on the Clubhouse Committee, please let me know.� At this time I�d like to thank the Neigel Whites for donating a refrigerator (a huge help at parties) and Bob Noftall and Ian Varney who donated the beautiful couch in our entryway.�
We appreciate the support and generosity of the MKL community.
Respectfully submitted,
Bettina Bierly
March 9, 2007