History Room Project

Chris Allyn



Thanks to the perseverance of a number of people and the work of a few, we have been able to initiate the Office/Archives room downstairs in the clubhouse.  Mary and the House Committee focused on having the room finished and thanks go to Bruce Bowden, George Kuchler, Guy Bowden, and Joyce Murray for the efforts necessary to get the room occupiable.  There is a heat pump/air conditioner making it possible to work in the room in all seasons and providing some control over humidity and temperature extremes.  After completion of the construction, thanks go to the Edgars for donating the desk and drafting work table.  Finally, after all was ready, it took the constant encouragement and considerable assistance of Joyce Murray and the occasional muscle power of Ken Heiden to transfer the archive material that I had been storing in the Allyn house down to the room.  We also brought in two additional file cabinets (making three) and both map drawer units (giving 10 drawers in all).  Joyce and I spent some time placing all of the assembled materials in rough chronological order into the file cabinets (one for each organization) and began the task of assembling minutes into binders.


We would like to have something like a History TGIF or Brunch/afternoon during the coming year to showcase some of what we have and maybe dedicate the room itself.  In addition, Terry Dwyer has asked and offered to help in scanning material to begin the process of developing a searchable digital archive of the Lake's history.