January 6, 2009



Dear MKL Resident,



On January 19, 2008, the Mt. Kemble Lake Association held a Special Meeting to vote on simplifying its working relationship with the Lakeshore Board.As a result, the 1st Annual Joint Meeting of the Mt. Kemble Lake Association, Inc. and Lakeshore Company will be held on Friday, January 23, 2009 at 7:30 PM at the Mt. Kemble Lake Clubhouse.



Please note that a TGIF will be held starting at 6:30 PM with the Annual Meeting starting at 7:30 PM



If you are not able to attend, please sign the attached proxies and return them to Nancy Priscu at 11 Trails End or

Lori Denson at 20 Primrose Trail, Acorn Cottage

by Thursday, January 22, 2009.



In accordance with the By-Laws, the business of Lakeshore Company shall be managed by a Board of at least three Directors elected annually. The Directors are required to submit to the Stockholders a slate of three candidates for election within 15 days of the Annual Meeting. The 2009 Lakeshore Board has nominated the following three candidates to serve as Directors of Lakeshore Company in 2009: Austin Godfrey, Nancy Priscu, and Bob Yingling.



Attached are the following items:

  • Mt. Kemble Lake Association proxies (two per household)
  • Lakeshore Company Proxy (one proxy per property)



Please note, It is critical that you return these proxies if you are not attending the meeting. We will have to schedule another meeting if we lack a quorum.



If you have any questions please feel free to contact MKL Association or Lakeshore Company board members.Thank you in advance for your participation.