Water Committee Meeting Notes

July 28, 2009


As all were notified, the Water Committee had a meeting on July 28, 2009 at the Club House. The next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 17 at 7:30 at the Club House. The minutes are as follows:


1.    The project was approved to put a small controller/processor in each pump house to manage the water levels in the tanks. It would also be possible under this plan to use the floats to control the water level as a back-up to the controllers. Presently, the floats only are used to set off the warning light when water levels are low. A warning light would be added to pump house 1. This new system should eliminate any problems presently caused by sand and pressure fluctuations impacting the present mechanical system. The total cost of this project is $7,200.

2.    Highland Water would like to sell the portable diesel generator for $2,500 that we used last fall for two days when the electricity went out. They have other generators that they use in the business so this generator is superfluous. This is the price that Highland paid for the generator. Highland has refurbished the generator after acquiring it. Regulatory rules require us to have back-up power. When we priced a new generator last year, the estimates were in the $35,000 range. This purchase was approved.

3.    The controller project and the purchase of the generator are covered by our $10,000 capital budget for 2009.

4.    Newton will acquire and test a pump that would allow us to get fuel for the generator from home oil tanks in an emergency. Newton also hopes to donate two 5 gallon diesel cans in addition to the one already in pump house 1.

5.    The roof on pump house 2 was replaced by Bruce Bouden at a cost of about $600. Wood under the roof had to be replaced.

6.    Mick Merenda's project to locate all curb stops on maps and by GPS is making good progress.

7.    Max Huber from Agra did a great job of testing all the valves, hydrants and blow-offs. His report was emailed to the committee. He will make some minor repairs. This will be done yearly.

8.    Bill will be replacing a washer in the test house bib in pump house 2