Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

January 5, 2009





Rick Barrett

Don Kuhn


Bettina Bierly

Nancy Priscu


Barbara Coe

Bruce Scolnick


Jane Dwyer

Bob Yingling


Austin Godfrey






Diane Bonar



Cliff Bridge



Gail Chalfant




Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey, at 7:30.


The Board discussed how to best present financial statements at the annual meeting scheduled for Friday, January 23rd.Rick and Newton are currently working on the Lakeshore budget.Members agreed that it was important to introduce cohesive, as well as easy to understand financial statements for the two organizations.A suggestion was made to add financial statements to the website.


Bob distributed the 2009 budget.Board members reviewed the report then discussed the various projects and associated expenses they anticipated this year (i.e. draperies, locks for the bar area, etc.).


Bob reviewed our cash reserves at the end of the year.Priority items are as follows: dredging of the lagoon, clubhouse roof, and repayment of the lake dredging loan.In the year to come, a Financial Committee will look at the assets of our community and determine what our reserves should be once Lakeshore and the MKL Association organizations are combined.


The Board discussed major expenses that may occur over the next several years.For example, corroding pipes are a major concern for Lakeshore.If pipes along Lake Trail West and Alpine started to fail as they did on Trails End the cost could be close to $100,000.The water tanks will most likely need to be replaced eventually.Dredging of the lagoon and a proactive approach toward tree trimming will also incur considerable expenses.Will this have an impact on our current dues?In 2009 the Board will investigate ways to raise reserves without increasing dues, such as implementing transfer fees on property sales, revisiting property taxes/assessments, and reducing insurance costs.


Don distributed the proposed changes to MKL rules and regulations regarding Docks and Boating:



Private docks must comply with restrictions as defined in the original deeds for the applicable lake front properties.In the absence of any such deed restrictions, no new dock shall be constructed to extend into the lake more than 12 feet beyond the shore line, nor to extend higher than 5 feet above the water, nor to extend closer than 5 feet to the owner�s property line, nor to be greater than 40 feet wide.



Persons operating boats are responsible for the safety of themselves and others on their boats, including the use of life preservers.They are also responsible for the safety of swimmers who have the right-of-way; boats are therefore to move no faster than three miles per hour.Non-swimmers alone in boats must wear adequate life preservers.

The use of any kind of gas or diesel powered motor is prohibited on the lake.

Boats powered electrically are not to exceed 14 feet in length.


Austin thanked Don for his work on this initiative as well as for his recent safety notice regarding skating on the lake.


The annual meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 23rd.It will also be a TGIF.Proxy notices for both the Association and Lakeshore will be distributed on Wednesday, January 7th.


Our next meeting (after Jan. 23rd) is scheduled for Monday, March 2, at 7:30.


Meeting adjourned at 8:40.



Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Priscu