
March 2, 2009 Meeting of MKL Association


Meeting was conducted electronically.

Board Members Participating:Rick Barrett, Bettina Bierly, Diane Bonar, Gail Chalfant, Barbara Coe, Austin Godfrey, Don Kuhn, Nancy Priscu, Bruce Scolnick and Bob Yingling



The two items affecting the water company are as follows:


Water pressure was maintained during the extended power outage over the weekend of 2/15 by bringing a portable generator in when it appeared that the outage would be prolonged. The agreement to rent as needed a portable generator was arranged last fall. Bill Manser was very helpful in monitoring this process.We are preparing estimates of the long term capital costs to support the water company for the new financial planning committee.



The lake will be lowered approximately six feet starting April 1 to allow Chris Backshall to dredge below the diving board.The work should take only a day or two and will involve pulling sand from the lake that has shifted from the beach.Depending on the condition of the sand, it may be necessary to top dress the beach with fresh sand.

A brief article concerning the dredging will appear in the newsletter.Also, Don will distribute a notice to all lakeside residents in case they want to plan any maintenance on their docks.Beach clean-up will be held on Saturday, May 9.

Work is currently being done to project major financial needs related to the lake, which will be furnished to the ad hoc financial planning team.



Diane has been working on the following:

Clean-up projects with Chris Backshall

Tennis court maintenance

Garden clean-up and the reassignment of plots



Based on the response from the board members, the April 26th and June 6th rentals are approved pending completion of all the appropriate paperwork and deposit checks. Bettina will handle the cleaning (scheduling/inspection, etc.).�� If the clean up rain date becomes a reality, Bettina needs to know. We can work around the Saturday 4/25 rain date but she�ll need to alert Nicole, etc.

There is a VSA dinner scheduled for May 2nd and a possible Clubhouse party (April 11th) in the works.

Bettina will check the refrigerator in case it needs a complete clean out before the March party.








Bruce is meeting with Ray Negley to measure the pipes in the basement to provide insulation and we will be doing the installation ourselves.�� Bruce is waiting to hear about the ceiling tiles for the kitchen which will be installed by community volunteers.��



The spring cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, April 18th with a rain date of Saturday, April 25th.Gail will send a flyer around to remind people again.Poles are still up to help define where to plow.It still could snow.



The March 2009 newsletter went out in mailboxes the week of March 2 and was posted on the Web site by Terry Dwyer. Also, the missing Rescue Squad jacket has been found and returned to Betty D'Esterhazy, who will return it to its owner.



Bob has approved proposed clubhouse rentals.To date he has not received any paperwork or checks.Cliff Bridge is helping with all aspects of treasurer�s function.


Vendor invoices are current.Cliff and Bob will issue spending reports in March.


Integration of Lakeshore records is proceeding.Bob will work with Bobbie Coulter to finalize her review and develop procedures for subsequent, yearly reviews of the community�s financial records.As Don noted, the finance committee is evaluating financial needs and funding sources of community; Terry Dwyer is heading this committee, please forward any concerns, issues to Terry


Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 6, at 7:30.


Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Priscu