Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

April 7, 2009



Rick Barrett

Don Kuhn


Bettina Bierly

Nancy Priscu


Diane Bonar

Bruce Scolnick


Gail Chalfant

Bob Yingling


Austin Godfrey






Barbara Coe



Cliff Bridge







The dam was inspected and Chris Backshall cut down all the excess vegetation.The VSA dinner is scheduled for May 2nd.Rick will obtain a proposal to improve the monitoring of water levels in the tanks.This may require the addition of a new electronic conduit to the tanks.The Finance Committee is looking a long term projects such as replacing the water tanks, dredging, etc.



The lake will be lowered approximately three feet to allow Chris Backshall to dredge below the diving board.The fill will most likely be moved to the ball field.The walls surrounding the beach are subject to erosion and the drainage issue will need to be resolved.Beach clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, May 9.



The tennis sub-committee is upgrading the tennis court and they need additional funds to complete the project.The Board agreed that the courts were a community asset and the maintenance should be budgeted for and paid for by the residents, much like the beach or roads.However, given that there is a dedicated group of users, these individuals would help contribute to the courts upkeep and improvement, much as other residents have made donations to the community.


There are two dead trees on Trails End.Rick will confirm that they are Lakeshore property and if so, Diane will get an estimate to remove them.



Sara Churgin donated a fox painting that is now hanging in the clubhouse.Upcoming rentals are as follows: Fraggiero � May 8th, McCabe � June 6th, Barrett � October 24th.



The clubhouse passed its fire inspection.Ceiling tiles were changed in the kitchen and Ray Neigele has agreed to help Bruce insulate the pipes.Future projects under consideration include a wooden structure with doors and a cement footing for clubhouse garbage, pavers by the side steps and lighting around the garbage area.��




The spring cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, April 18th with a rain date of Saturday, April 25th.





Bob continues to put together the finances of Lakeshore and MKL Association.The electronic billing process for dues seems to be working.


A schedule of dues will be included in the next newsletter, as well as the website.


Tax information has been submitted to the accountant, and vendors have been paid up to date.


Meeting adjourned at 8:50


Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 4, at 7:30.


Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Priscu