Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

May 4, 2009


Meeting was conducted electronically.

Board Members Participating:Rick Barrett, Bettina Bierly, Diane Bonar, Gail Chalfant, Barbara Coe, Austin Godfrey, Don Kuhn, Nancy Priscu, Bruce Scolnick and Bob Yingling



        A water committee meeting is tentatively scheduled for late May.

        Guy Bowden replaced the door on well house 2.

        The VSA dinner will be held on May 2nd.

        Twenty year capital projections were provided to the Financial Development Committee.

        The bi-annual dam inspection was completed with Chris Allyn's help, and vegetation was removed from the dam.



Beaches and Docks Report � May 2009

The lake was dropped four feet to allow for dredging under the diving board at the main beach.This was done under a permit issued by the Department of Fish and Wildlife.The valves were opened on April 7 and closed on April 10.Notice was sent to the State that the drop was accomplished within the authorized period.The dredging brings the depth of the water under the diving board to State regulation (12 feet).


Chris Backshall performed the dredging and also pulled sand out of the lake across the width of the beach.


The understructure of the diving platform was painted while the lake was lowered.This is a task that should be done whenever the lake is lowered, especially those portions of the four supporting legs that become very rusted at the water line.This requirement will be put into the Lakes and Docks job description.


Beach clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, May 9, at 9:00am.Because most of the leaves were removed from the lake with the dredging, the focus of this clean-up will be on leveling the beach and on removing any foreign objects in the sand pulled up from the lake (like stones thrown into the lake to test the hardness of the ice!).The grounds will also be cleaned and bushes trimmed.Finally, plans for installing a brick pad under the picnic table will be implemented.


Beach badges will be distributed later in May to all residents whose dues are current at that time.




Diane has spoken with her committee regarding the projects to be done in our community and here are the results (projects not limited to these listed here):


1)Add steps and sitting area at beach.This project includes pulling weeds, cutting small trees down, removing wild raspberries and other invasives, planting grasses & vinca, adding boulder sized steps down to beach, and leveling ground under the picnic tables and adding pavers.

2)Remove (almost) all plants from around the feeder to the breeder pond and replace with low-growing plants.

3)Severely trimming the forsythia that is in the vacant lot on corner of LTE and Beach Trail.

4)Replacing Basketball Hoop and holder; enlisted the help of Charlie Priscu.

5)Checking out playground equipment for safety and convenience; enlisted the help of Steve Collier.

6)Cut back small undergrowth on the right side of LTE from top of hill almost all the way to Gjivoje's house; may replace with low-growing grasses or groundcover; this is with the help of Bruce Scolnick and others.

7)Cut down trees in front of Molendykes and Irvings.




VSA dinner will take place on Saturday May 2, 2009.

The Frugerio rental is scheduled for Friday, May 8, 2009 (50th Anniversary Party).

The Kielte's who were contemplating a rental later this month have withdrawn their request.

The McCabe rental (already approved) for Colin's graduation is taking place Saturday, June 6.

The Barrett wedding (scheduled for October 24, 2009) is moving forward. This has already been voted on by the board.


I will be meeting with Mark Qualben to continue the improvements behind the bar (cabinets, etc.) and to plan the window treatments.



Completed projects:

        Gutters on the clubhouse have been cleaned.

        Most of the heating pipes have been insulated in the basement.

        A 5'X12' slab of cement was installed for garbage containers.

        New Cedar garbage containers have been delivered and put in place.

        New slate walk was installed from the side door steps to the driveway.

        New lighting was installed to cover side steps and garbage containers.

The new garbage containers should be painted with a stain and sealer sometime this month.




        Spring Clean-up took place Saturday, April 18th.

        The Clubhouse was raked and picked up front and back.

        The playground was raked and the mat under the rubber chips was cut andstraightened below the play equipment.Diane Bonar will replace the tire and redo the rubber chips.

        The parking lot was raked and trimmed.

        The two drains at the Fire Lane on Lake Trail West were cleaned out as well as the two leading into the lake.

        All the rest of the drains along the roads were cleaned out.

        Community plots were tended and brush and debris along Lake Trail East was trimmed and blown.

        My committee did a wonderful job supplying coffee, donuts, water and a delicious lunch.The committee included: Cacky Bell, Carl Bonar, Jane Dwyer, Carol Irving, Theresa and Ray Jones, Jane Roland and Bruce Scolnick.


Pictures taken by Theresa and Ray Jones have been placed on the web by Terry Dwyer for all to see and enjoy.


Beach Patrol will begin just after Memorial Day.Gail is looking for volunteers to serve for just (one week) during the summer months and will be sending an announcement out to all in the community.


During the week of May 4th, Gail will be checking the roads with Chris Backshall and Austin Godfrey to see about repairing potholes and various other road situations caused by winter weather.



Cliff Bridge and Bob are working to get QuickBooks current.Following up on last meetings question on Tennis donations, we received donations of $2,690 in Fiscal Feb 2007, $1,575 in Fiscal Feb 2008, $40 last year and $350 so far this year.


Late notices for the MKLA dues were sent out last week including interest and late fees.



OTHER BUSINESS � Golf carts and other unlicensed vehicles.

The majority of the board approved the change in rules regarding the use of unlicensed vehicles. A brief letter was distributed to the community advising the members of the change.All members owning these types of vehicles will be required to sign a waiver form, which will be maintained in the secretary�s records.


Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 1 at 7:30.


Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Priscu