Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

June 1, 2009




Rick Barrett

Don Kuhn


Bettina Bierly

Nancy Priscu


Diane Bonar

Bruce Scolnick


Cliff Bridge

Bob Yingling


Gail Chalfant



Barbara Coe



Austin Godfrey








The Water Committee met in May and discussed the following

        Upgrading the water monitoring system to ultimately limit the amount of human intervention involved.

        Installing a back up set of shut-off valves for the dam.

The next meeting is scheduled for August 6, 2009.




Beach clean up was held on Saturday, May 9.The principal work was cleaning up the grounds, raking and removing debris the beach, and replacing float line.As a result of a heavy rain, there was serious erosion at the fire lane end of the beach.That sand was raked from the lake and the area restored.Another major project was digging an area for a brick paver pad for the picnic table.Several people stayed for the afternoon and nearly completed installation of the pad.


A new stainless steel strap was fabricated and installed to hold the end of the diving board.The original strap was badly rusted.


Beach badges and swimming and boating instructions were distributed to all residents (with current payment of dues).A special instruction addressed the need for those using the beach to take home everything brought to the beach.Abandoned articles will periodically be picked up and stored below the deck at the clubhouse.Items remaining at the end of the season will be discarded or donated to the Fire Company auction.


A new life ring and 100 foot line was placed at the main beach.Life rings and 100 foot lines were installed at the Fishing� Hole and the East Beach.The intent is that the longer lines will be helpful should the life rings be used for emergencies during skating season.


The first application of herbicide was made on May 22 to kill weeds at the east side of the lake from the Murray�s property north and on the west side of the lake from the Fishing� Hole to nearly the Main Beach.




1) The area between the road and the lagoon is getting smaller due to erosion of the lagoon; it has been suggested (by Steve Collier) that large boulders be placed around the lagoon to stop the erosion.

2) Diane will speak with Ellen Marshall about the area between her house and the beach; over the past several years, the plants on the lake side of the fence has become overgrown and must be cut back.


3) Steve Collier confirmed that he found no safety issues at the playground area.He will order a rubber mat to be placed at the bottom of the slide.Diane says that the playground equipment needs to be painted and certain areas cleaned and will try to find volunteers for that project.




Bettina reviewed the schedule of upcoming rentals for the clubhouse.




The post lamps and new garbage containers were painted.Bruce issued a special thanks to Jane Dwyer and Jane Roland for their work on these projects.




Chris Backshall has agreed to trim back various overgrown corners of on Lake Trail West and Lake Trail East, as well as add to rocks to help limit erosion.


Road patrol assignments were distributed for the summer months.


The Board agreed to distribute vehicle liability waivers to residents who owned ATVs, golf carts, etc. and will ask that they be signed and retuned to Nancy Priscu by July 1, 2009.




The budget is in good shape with respect to cash.Bob asked the Board to review a transaction list by vendor to ensure we are up to date on bills.


The Board approved a motion to place liens on properties that are delinquent with regard to dues payments.


Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 13th at 7:30.


Meeting adjourned at 8:55


Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Priscu