Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

September 8, 2009





Rick Barrett

Joyce Murray


Diane Bonar

Nancy Priscu


Barbara Coe

Bruce Scolnick


Austin Godfrey

Bob Yingling


Don Kuhn









Cliff Bridge



Gail Chalfant






Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey, at 7:32.



Bob reviewed the status of resident dues.



Diane provided an update on the proposed dog park.She and Rick Barrett agreed to research the project thoroughly, host a community inform meeting and respond to a resident�s letter of concern.In addition, Diane will work with Chris Backshall to create a schedule of areas around the community that need to be maintained on a regular basis.The schedule will include a layout of the lots as well as the corresponding budget.


Bruce will research options for new bathroom fixtures.



        Bettina Bierly resigned from the Board.The Board voted to approve Joyce Murray as her replacement.

        In preparation for the 2010 MKL Association election, resident nomination forms will be distributed by October 1st.��

o       The following members were elected in January 2009:Bettina Bierly, Gail Chalfant, Don Kuhn, Nancy Priscu and Bruce Scolnick.

o       Members up for 2010 re-election (elected March 2008) include:Diane Bonar, Barbara Coe, Austin Godfrey and Bob Yingling.

        The Board approved to have a portion of Alpine repaved due to extensive flood damage.


Meeting adjourned at 8:55


Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 5th.The meeting will be conducted electronically.



Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Priscu