Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

November 2, 2009



Rick Barrett

Joyce Murray


Diane Bonar

Nancy Priscu


Gail Chalfant

Bruce Scolnick


Austin Godfrey

Bob Yingling


Don Kuhn









Barbara Coe









Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey, at 7:35.



There were no issues on Halloween.Primrose Trail was closed to traffic as usual.Next year, Gail would like fire lanes taped off to prevent individuals from parking in front of them. The Board discussed the hazards of parking on Beach Trail and Elm.They are narrow side roads and parked cars could prevent emergency vehicles from arriving at destinations in a timely manner.



Upgrades have been made to the system that monitors the water levels in the tanks, and there are now warning lights on pump house 1 and 2.Electrical upgrades will be made to pump house 2 shortly.



Tree Tech will clean up the lot next to the basketball court.



New curtains were installed and a new vacuum was purchased.


Rotten floorboards were discovered in the women�s bathroom which caused leakage into the history room below. The sub floor was replaced along with new oak flooring.In addition, a new toilet, vanity and sink were also installed.A new sink and vanity will be installed in the men�s room too.


Joyce and Bruce will review the services companies such as Associated Fire and Humphreys Pest Control currently provide to determine if any cost savings can be achieved.



Don sent out specifications to three contractors for dredging the lagoon.To date, he received one bid for $14,500 and another for $40,000 from Backshall.He will most likely move forward with the $14,500 bid but will add a request to insert boulders around the curve of the road to prevent erosion.


Many boats remain on the beach.Don will issue a notice asking resident to remove them.




Bob asked the Board to create proposed budgets.



        The Board discussed outstanding dues.�� To date, there are several members who each owe several thousand dollars (i.e. 10,000) and the total uncollected balance is over 30K.Accordingly, we addressed aggressively collecting the funds as the receivables are beginning to impact the community�s cash flow.The need for us to take this aggressive action will probably result in a reserve for bad debts in next year�s budget.

        The Board discussed the concept of professional services offered by lake residents.


Meeting adjourned at 9:10


Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 1st at 7:00 p.m. at the Bonar�s home.



Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Priscu