MKL Association Minutes

December 1, 2009




Rick Barrett

Don Kuhn


Diane Bonar

Joyce Murray


Gail Chalfant

Nancy Priscu


Barbara Coe

Bruce Scolnick


Austin Godfrey

Bob Yingling





Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey, at 7:05.



Road cleanup on November 21st was very successful.Many volunteers turned out for the event and it was nice to see new families and children participating.Gail thanked Carl Bonar for cooking a fabulous lunch.Gail was happy to report that she received several compliments from residents regarding the great job Backshall did with the subsequent leaf removal.


The MKL road closing will be scheduled in the spring.



Rick anticipates that upgrading the water tanks and the electricity in pump house 2 should be about $4,000.The piping in pump house 1 may have to be redone because the flow meter jams regularly.


We may need to investigate possible solutions for a back-up system for the valves under the dam.



Diane is still trying to identify the person that cut down the tree at the beach without authorization.Community inform meetings regarding the proposed dog park will be scheduled in the near future.



Bruce indicated the furnace will need to be repaired and is currently receiving estimates.It is anticipated that the cost will not exceed $3,500.


The pest control contract has been renegotiated to reduce costs.Humphreys will now provide on-site services four times a year rather than on a monthly basis.



The boats on the beach have been removed.Don is close to hiring a contractor to dredge the breeder pond and will also inquire as to the type of rock needed to prevent erosion along the banks.



Members reviewed proposed budgets.



The Board discussed the following:

        Recognizing community volunteers at the annual meeting.

        The use of community property for commercial purposes.


Meeting adjourned at 8:40


Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 4th at 7:00 p.m. at the Murray�s home.



Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Priscu