Resident Nomination Form
Dear MKL
On January
19, 2008, the Mt. Kemble Lake Association held a Special Meeting to vote on
simplifying its working relationship with the Lakeshore Board, and the by-laws were
amended to modify the existing election process.� The first course of action was to open up the
nomination process to all members of the community.� Residents who nominate themselves will
automatically be on the ballot.� A
nominating committee appointed by the Association Board (but with no
Association Board members) can also ask additional individuals to volunteer if
an adequate slate is not generated via the circulation of this form.� The Association Board is scheduled to be
elected by mail ballot in November 2009.
If you are
interested in serving on the MKL Association Board, please complete the section
below and return it to:
Priscu at 11 Trails End by Wednesday, October 14, 2009.
If you�d
like to speak with someone regarding specific roles and responsibilities,
please contact the following individuals:
Godfrey, President, MKL Association Board: (973) 425-6491
Priscu, Secretary, MKL Association Board: (973) 425-2949
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Name: |
Address: |
# |
Email: |
Area of
Interest: |
*Return to Nancy Priscu at 11 Trails
End by Wednesday, October 14, 2009.