Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

January 4, 2010



Rick Barrett

Don Kuhn


Diane Bonar

Joyce Murray


Gail Chalfant

Nancy Priscu


Barbara Coe

Bruce Scolnick


Austin Godfrey

Bob Yingling





Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey, at 7:06.



Gail commended the New Vernon Volunteer Fire Department for their help in unclogging drains throughout the community.She asked the Board to consider making a donation to the organization on behalf of the community.The Board agreed and Bob stated he would make a donation consistent with our past giving.



A leak by the Jones� residence on Primrose Trail was discovered, and a leak detector was used to find the leak and facilitate repair.�� The leak was probably caused by a rock under the pipe. A shut-off valve outside Pump House 1 was installed to allow for repairs in the pump house without impacting water supplies for the community.



Diane will issue a notice about discarding Christmas trees.Quotes on work pertaining to the proposed dog park have been received.A community inform meeting on this topic is expected to be scheduled soon.



The heat exchanger had deteriorated with aged and was clogged with sludge.The pipes were replaced and is it anticipated that the furnace will be good for another 15 to 20 years.


The Board met with Fran Frigerio to discuss issues related to her rental of the Clubhouse in May of 2009.�� A broader discussion of clubhouse rental policies followed and the Board agreed to review the current rental agreement to make sure it continues to meet the needs the community.


An inventory list has been created and will be used to identify things that need to be replaced after each clubhouse event.



The State of New Jersey has indicated that a Flood Hazard permit is required prior to dredging the lagoon.Austin and Don will meet with Paul Fox to draw up plans showing the contour of the lagoon in order to meet the terms of the permit.




Bob and Austin led a discussion on the collection of both Lakeshore and MKLA dues and it was noted that adequate efforts were being made to protect the community�s rights to all amounts due.A FAQ will be developed for the community�s website to ensure residents are aware of the collection process and the costs of dues delinquency.


Board members were asked to review their proposed budgets and respond to Bob with modifications or concerns.



The Board discussed the following:

        Lakeshore Officers:

A move was made and seconded to retain the existing Lakeshore officers as such: Austin Godfrey as President, Bob Yingling as Treasurer, and Nancy Priscu as Secretary.


        Chris Allyn is working on issuance of stock certificates for the Lakeshore Company.


        Clarifying verbiage regarding the following MKL rule additions/modifications:

o       Responsibility for water pipes leading from roads to homes.

o       Beach regulations.

o       The use of community property for commercial purposes


Meeting adjourned at 8:45


Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 8th at 7:00 p.m. at Gail Chalfant�s home.



Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Priscu