Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

February 8, 2010



Diane Bonar

Don Kuhn


Gail Chalfant

Joyce Murray


Barbara Coe

Nancy Priscu


Austin Godfrey

Bruce Scolnick



Bob Yingling





Rick Barrett



Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey, at 7:38.


MKL residents Bettina Bierly, Charlie Priscu and Nancy Barrett attended the meeting as provided for under the by-laws and state regulations. Charlie recommended the board seek input from the community regarding the proposed dog park and rules and regulation changes in general.Austin indicated that a dog park inform meeting will take place on March 6th at the Clubhouse at 10:30 a.m.


Bettina spoke on issues related to delinquent dues and their impact to the financial health of the community, as well as ways to hold residents in arrears accountable.



Several Board members met with Chris Backshall to discuss an ongoing plan for road work, and Chris agreed to ensure bills are delivered in a timelier manner. Charlie asked that stone currently stored near the basketball court be moved to the old ball field. There is a 5ft deep hole in the parking lot at the beach that needs to be addressed.The issue of closing the roads remains open.The Chief of Police indicated he knew of no special requirements that would require MKL to the close its roads.Gail will ask Chris Allyn to review the historical records for an answer to this question.Gail will replace the Private Road sign that has been missing from the Lake Trail West street post.



Diane asked Chris Backshall to move the brush and leaf piles closer to the old ball field.Moving forward, there will only be once pickup of leaves during fall-cleanup.Residents will be responsible for their own pick-up should they miss the designated date.



To date, there are three rental scheduled for 2010.The House Keeping Chair will keep copies of what the renters need as well as checklist to match off-with a caterers list to ensure no items go missing.



The men�s room vanity sink will be replaced in March.The dance floor is scheduled to be refinished in March or April.



It is anticipated that the lagoon will be dredged in August.




Bob reviewed the 2009 Financial Summary, provided to the Board in advance of the meeting, which summarized the 2009 spending by both organizations compared to the budget and 2008 spending.The 2009 Financial Summary along with financial statements showing the detailed spending by account and a comparative balance sheet as of December 31, 2009, will be distributed to all residents and posted on the web site.This is the first step in increasing the frequency and detail of financial reporting to the community in response to the increased spending, i.e. higher dues, and greater complexity of the community�s finances.Both the spending and complexity could increase based upon the recommendations of the Finance Committee expected later this year.�� Bob will also ensure that the community is provided the financial impact of significant projects before they are approved.



Volunteerism is at an all time low.How do we get residents involved on committees?It was decided to issue a request for committee members in the newsletter as well as ask Karen Sabol to issue an email.


Board meetings are scheduled for the following dates:

March 8th

April 5th

May 3rd

June 6th

September 7th

October 4th

November 1st

December 6th

January 3rd

January 28th � Annual Meeting


Meeting adjourned at 9:32


Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 8th at 7:30 at Gail Chalfant�s house.



Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Priscu