Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

March 8, 2010



Rick Barrett

Joyce Murray


Diane Bonar

Nancy Priscu


Gail Chalfant

Bruce Scolnick


Don Kuhn

Bob Yingling








Barbara Coe



Austin Godfrey



Meeting was called to order by Treasurer, Bob Yingling, at 7:36.


MKL resident Craig Curtiss attended the meeting as provided for under the by-laws and state regulations.



There has been a lot of snow removal from the lake this winter.In response to resident concerns, the basket ball court has been cleared of the stone piles and Chris Backshall will no longer store his equipment there.Gail identified a pothole on Lake Trail West and indicated that the leak in front of the Kern�s residence will require further investigation to determine where the problem lies.She noted that Private Road signs appear on all three sign posts.Spring clean-up is scheduled for Saturday, April 17th.



Garden plots are available and notices will be distributed to residents shortly.Diane agreed to lend her trailer for transporting a cultivator.���



The battery in clubhouse defibrillator was replaced at a cost of $200.00, and this responsibility will to be added to the maintenance schedule.The pads were replaced for free.Bruce stated he might be able to get a battery at a wholesale cost.



The floor was resurfaced and varnished and is expected to last approximately 7 to 10 more years.A new vanity and sink will be installed in the men�s bathroom.



Paul Fox has submitted a proposal to provide engineering work in connection with our plan to dredge the lagoon for $6,700.00.Don questioned why a survey would be required as several had been done in the past.Joyce advised Don to check with Chris Allyn to see if prior surveys are stored in the History Room.



A tap was placed in pump house 2 per DEP regulations for testing purposes.The new VSA schedule was distributed and the VSA dinner is scheduled for Saturday, May 1st.



Bob developed a financial summary in response to concerns raised at the Annual Meeting.As a result of the outpost meetings financial procedures and controls, which are more transparent as to how finances are managed, will be posted on the website.Karen Morrison has been helping Bob and dues are expected to be sent out soon.






Craig Curtiss mentioned the sides of Lake Trail West are being cracked and crushed by traffic.He suggested lining the area along the sides of the road with finely crushed gravel to prevent further deterioration.


Joyce distributed survey items from prior outpost meetings.Items were listed by priority.


Meeting adjourned at 8:55


Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 5th at 7:30 at ? house.



Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Priscu