MKL Association Meeting

May 3, 2010



Rick Barrett

Don Kuhn


Diane Bonar

Joyce Murray


Gail Chalfant

Nancy Priscu


Barbara Coe

Bruce Scolnick


Austin Godfrey

Bob Yingling


Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey (, at 7:35.




Construction Issues

Dave Alvey was present to address some concerns regarding the Alvey�s renovation project.These include the brick debris in the front yard, the potential run off threat to the lake and the storage pod on Lakeshore property.Dave stated the pod could be easily removed from the property within 2 weeks, however, there were engineering issues preventing the large debris removal.After discussion, it was agreed that the masonry will be removed and the lawn seeded by Memorial Day.


Phil Van Kirk presented tentative guidelines for construction sites within the community.The Board agreed to review the guidelines and provide comments and concerns.


Long-Range Finance Planning Committee Presentation

John Murray presented an overview of the financial needs of the community, which resulted from feedback from the outpost and long range planning meetings.Recommendations to address the financial needs, such as tax easements, property sales and membership fees were also presented.An inform meeting has been scheduled for May 20th during which the findings will be presented to the community.




Chris Backshall is scheduled to repair the sinkhole at the beach parking lot by the end of the week.Potholes have been identified throughout the lake and will be scheduled for repair. The bushes on Alpine Trail need to be trimmed.The subject of the closing the roads every five years was discussed.After reviewing prior documentation and speaking with local authorities, the Board could not confirm a legal reason to close the roads.A motion was made to discontinue the practice with 8 in favor and 2 opposed.



Diane will spray poison ivy spray along the roads where it is needed.



The clubhouse rental agreement has been updated along with the inventory lists. Joyce has implemented a process of initialing what is being used by renters pre- event (when they get the key) and post-event (when they return the key).The process is a safeguard for both the club and renter.

The deposit is due back to the Bridges for their recent rental. Joyce completed the job descriptions for Housekeeping and Clubhouse Maintenance.



A new sink and vanity were installed in the men�s bathroom.Locks were added to the cabinets behind the bar so that the liquor can be stored there.Bruce is working on repairing the front door.��



Beach cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 8th.A new float line was installed at the beach.The float near the east beach is deteriorating.Don received an estimate to replace it however, it was suggested that he investigate if it is worth repairing first.



The VSA dinner on Saturday May 1st was a great success.As always, Bobbi Coulter-Pultz and Carl Bonar served a wonderful dinner.Diane Bonar added the beautiful centerpieces.Rick is investigating what might possibly be air in the water pipes.Blow off valves and hydrants will be opened within the month.



Barbara made a request for June Newsletter articles.



The Board reviewed the balance sheet and income statement for each organization including spending versus budget and prior year.



The Board discussed the ongoing commitment of the current MKL Environmental Stewardship committee.Austin asked the Board to respond with feedback after reviewing Joan Baumgarten�s letter.


Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.



Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Priscu



Board meetings are scheduled for the following dates:

June 7th

September 7th

October 4th

November 1st

December 6th

January 3rd

January 28th � Annual Meeting