Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

October 5, 2010



Rick Barrett

Don Kuhn


Gail Chalfant

Joyce Murray


Barbara Coe

Bruce Scolnick


Austin Godfrey

Bob Yingling





Diane Bonar

Nancy Priscu


Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey (, at 7:00.



        Road by the Fitzgerald driveway was repaired.

        Fire lane � under Roads but trees/docks that are damaged are repaired by appropriate board members� committees.

        On Halloween the road will be closed at Primrose.

        Gail recommended a budget increase for roads.

        Also, that the financial statements include the township snow removal refund with the roads spending to clearly show the net spendingas opposed to including the refund in Miscellaneous Income



No report.



Steps for Clubhouse Rental are as follows:

1.    Country Club Social Chair contacted to see if calendar is clear.

2.    Association Housekeeping Chairperson is contacted to see if any other issues are happening.

3.    Paperwork and checks are then filed with Treasurer.

4.    Association Board votes on the rental.

5.    CC Chair notified to post the event on the Web calendar.


        Another vacuum sweeper is being purchased (recommended to get a canister this time).

        All paperwork from inspections and appliances is located in drawer to the right of the refrigerator i.e. fire inspection to be checked by state, ice maker directions.




Sound system has been updated. Microphones (both wireless and wired) are now available.Sound to speakers adjustable in all rooms and outside.




Old east dock has been dragged to fire lane and hauled away.Thanks to Terry Dwyer, Mark Qualben and Don Kuhn.


The dredging will be done by H.W. Alward at a cost of $14,457 and included in the current year's budget.Regarding restoration of the bank on the intake end of the lagoon, Paul Fox had proposed a natural stone wall.When stone of the type recommended was unavailable, H.W. Alward proposed using Redi-rock, a cast stone product.The cost, however, was prohibitive ($44,180).Also involved in Fox's proposal were other costs: paving and 60' of asphalt curbing ($3865 and $1575) to direct water to a storm sewer ($4582) and the addition of a guardrail ($2200).As an alternative, Don inquired about the cost of rebuilding the bank with rip-rap.Alward quoted $11,878.The Board agreed that the work should proceed as an emergency repair while the lagoon is drained and dredged and that the cost will be covered by anticipated under runs in the budget.Further, Austin and Don will meet with Alward to review this approach in greater detail.



No report.



No report.



Review of first half summary on website.



        Suggestion by President Godfrey � The Treasurer�s recordkeeping should be checked by non-board members again.For discussion, should we put this in the by-laws as �must be done� as opposed to board option?Would we need a bylaw change?Board supports that the concept of a formal, yearly review process should be discussed further to ensure the appropriate level of oversight for the community.


        Request to lower the lake and start the permitting process so docks can be repaired.Don Kuhn will do this.


        Nominations and Nominating Committee underway.


        Event insurance as $125 rider is offered by our insurance broker for party specific event.


        Don Kuhn�s request for the clubhouse on November 27th was approved.


        Environmental Committee charge to be educational.Someone needs to be the lead contact.Barbara Coe will provide a list of contacts.


        A letter was shared regarding a new house to be built on subdivided lot.The first meeting regarding the septic system variances, which would be needed will be on October 14th.


Meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.



Respectfully submitted,


Joyce Murray



Board meetings are scheduled for the following dates:

November 1st

December 6th

January 3rd

January 28th � Annual Meeting