Mount Kemble Lake Association

Working Meeting

November 1, 2010



Rick Barrett

Don Kuhn


Barbara Coe

Joyce Murray


Austin Godfrey

Nancy Priscu



Bob Yingling





Diane Bonar

Bruce Scolnick


Gail Chalfant



Meeting was called to order by President, Austin Godfrey (, at 7:42.



Road clean up is scheduled for Saturday, November 20th.



There is a tree that needs to come down near the Drevitson's that Diane will take care of before it falls and creates any problems. Diane is discussing new garden plans for the gardeners and is continuing efforts to keep the playground in good repair for the enjoyment of the community�s children.



A new vacuum was purchased for the Clubhouse.Instructions needed for the appliances are located in the right drawer near the refrigerator.



The new sound system has gotten positive feedback from the community.



The first meeting of the Environmental Stewardship Committee is scheduled for Nov. 17TH.



Dredging on the lagoon is expected to start this week.That work was authorized last year and will cost $14,457.The flow valve at the spillway of the Breeder Pond was tested and is working properly.At the time of the dredging of the lagoon, the bank at the intake end near the road will be built up and riprap will be installed to inhibit future erosion.�� The intake pipe will be extended to carry it through the new bank.The anticipated cost of this restoration work is $11,859.


A skate at your own risk sign will be posted near the public entrance to the beach and the safety notice will be distributed to residents.



Chlorine levels on the end of LTE were checked are fine.



The board reviewed residents with dues in arrears as well as the spending to date versus the budget.A discussion followed on the expected remaining spending for 2010 as well a preliminary view of 2011 spending.


Work performed by residents was also discussed with the Board concluding that while members of the community are welcomed to perform selected projects, they must be approved by the board member responsible for the project and receipts for out of pocket cost must be provided to the board.


Review procedures for the Association spending were discussed. The board will establish the scope of the procedures for the reviewers including specific matters to be addressed.The board also considered an amendment to the by-laws to requiring a yearly review and the timing of such a review.


Austin requested that members send their individual budgets to Bob in time for the next meeting.


Ballots for the upcoming MKL Board election will be distributed to residents shortly.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.



Respectfully submitted,


Nancy Priscu



Board meetings are scheduled for the following dates:

November 29th

January 3rd

January 28th � Annual Meeting