Meeting Minutes

MKL Country Club Annual Meeting

June 25, 2010 7:30 pm



The meeting was scheduled as part of the June TGIF. Guests were invited to the TGIF dinner at 6:30pm with the meeting following dinner starting at 7:30pm. Members also had the option of attending the meeting only with the conclusion of dessert at no charge.


Carl Bonar, Country Club President, called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. Members remained seated in the dinner/bar area rather than move to more formal meeting space set up in the ball room area.


Karen Sabol, Social Chair, acted as Secretary to take meeting minutes due to the resignation of Nicole Bridge, Secretary. Carl Bonar, Country Club President, called the roll call. A quorum was achieved via 30 members present and 52 member proxies.

2009 minutes, which were previously distributed and available at the meeting, were approved as written.


Introduction of new members were announced: Some were repeated new members from 2009 into 2010 year. Feilim and Alison Maxwell, John and Colleen Roberts, Jodi Mead and Mike De Lucia (former Weber house), Joe and Joanne Tesi (former Russer house), Kelly Heller (fomer Smith/Jacobson house), Andres and Betsy Vaska (former Bridge house), John and Sharon Krizko (former Negele house) and John McFayden (former Kiernan house).


A moment of silence was observed for Mary Van Kirk.


Bar Report was presented by Mick Merenda, Bar Chair. He noted the change and replacement of the Pinot Sauvignon Blanc was �stellar�, as well as the addition of the Labatt Blue Light beer. He announced that if there are any suggestions or requests to add to the bar area he will do the research�.just contact him.


Treasurer�s Report, which was prepared by David Dietz, was presented by Mick Merenda, Bar Chair, due to the absence of David Dietz who was traveling and unable to attend the meeting. It was noted that the parties and TGIFs in the past year were profitable.


Karen Sabol, Social Chair, reviewed her annual events report for the 2009/2010 year. She discussed how much more �socializing� was done with the email directory and website in place and now comfortable to for all to use with kudos re Terry Dwyer�s time and efforts. Fenton Chaney requested a list to be made for the residents who do not have email access. This will be posted with the new social calendar of events which will be sent out to residents after the meeting updates are made and recorded.


The social events of 2009/2010 were reviewed; it was truly an eventful year. Karen offered many thank yous and kudos to those who volunteered and or stepped up to chair and serve on the many parties; including Schorr and the Qualben�s for their final July 4th party, Barbara Coe�s successful Lobster Labor Day Bash, the Dwyer�s for chairing the TGIF EMT event, the Allyn�s for the Annual Pub Party, the Murray�s for the Holiday TGIF, the Bonar�s for the NYE party, and new Chairs (including the Maxwell�s). Also noted were Bobbi Coulter and Carl Bonar for another successful VSA dinner, and the Allyn�s and Murray� for the MKL History and Memorial Day Ice Cream Social. To all of those not specifically mentioned, a huge �Thank you� from Karen and the Board.


The 2010/2011 social calendar was discussed. Many volunteers are still needed. Calendars were left out of volunteers to sign up during or after the meeting. Chairs are still needed for the upcoming Labor Day Party, as well as the Holiday / Arts and Crafts TGIF and the NYE party. Also a directory was left out for members to make any changes, updates or corrections.


Karen Sabol said a special thank you to Mick Merenda for always keeping on top of all parties for set ups making her job easier and keeping the bar area fully stocked and current.


Carl Bonar discussed the improvements to the clubhouse which were completed this year, some paid for directly by the this Board: an ice maker is now in place in the cabinet under the bar area, all liquor is now moved under the back bar area into the newly locking cabinets, men�s and lady�s bathroom sinks have been replaced, window treatments in the ballroom were purchased and installed, the kitchen is now inventoried and all cabinets are labeled, and linens and napkins were donated to the kitchen stock.


Carl requested items for new business from the membership. The only request was made by Fenton Chaney, regarding posting a list of those who do not have email access in the neighborhood.


Ruth Chaney chaired a nominating committee of Jeanne McCabe, Cacky Bell, Nancy Priscu and Cyndi Kuchler for the CC Board 2010 Election Ballot. Carl Bonar, Karen Sabol and Mick Merenda were all the incumbents whose terms were expiring. Additionally, candidates were identified for a one year term to replace the position vacated by Nicole Bridge, Secretary, who resigned due to their move to West Virginia. The slate of candidates presented by the nominating committee included Nancy Barrett, Carl Bonar, Mick Merenda, Cacky Bell, Cyndi Kuchler, Karen Sabol of two year terms, and Tawnya Kabnick and Colleen Roberts for a one year term.


Ballots were distributed; voting was held at 8:00 pm.


The bar and dessert served between 8:10pm � 8:30pm while Sarah Churgin and Fenton Chaney counted all the votes.


Carl Bonar, Mick Merenda, Karen Sabol were elected for 2 year terms and Colleen Roberts was elected for a one year term.


Meeting Adjourned 8:30pm with no further business.


Respectfully Submitted,

Karen Sabol

MKL Social Chair

Acting as Secretary at the Annual Meeting