NOVEMBER 3, 2010



The meeting was held at the Mt. Kemble Lake Clubhouse with a recording of thirty-nine households attending.Chris Allyn, representing the Sub-Finance Committee, presented the five suggested options that might work to constitute a plan for financing capital improvements each decade going forward.These options were discussed from all different perspectives and then a non-binding vote was taken.The consensus was that some action needs to be taken.The action could be as considered below or a combination (hybrid).These results will be presented to the Finance Committee and the Lakeshore board for benefit of further discussion and proposals.


1.       Dues Increase for Capital Improvements


26 Yes ����� ��������� 7 No


Comment:It was discussed that this might be handled on a percentage basis per property value, i.e., the same basis as local property taxes instead of a flat fee.


2.       Land Sale to Fund Capital Improvements


5 Yes ������� ��������� 29 No


3.       Reduce Lakeshore Property Taxes through Easement and Redirect Those Dues to Capital Improvements.�By feedback at the meeting, two versions of the proposed approach were voted on�:


A.����� That some number of lots (TBD) be put in easement to reduce property taxes,

��������� making that amount available to fund future capital improvement needs.The

��������� remaining lots to be considered for sale at a later date for emergency reasons

��������� only.


33 Yes ����� ��������� 3 No


B.����� That all properties be put into easement to eliminate the entire property tax

��������� bill.


18 Yes ��������������� 16 No


4.       Transfer Fee on Property Sale.�By feedback at the meeting, two versions of the proposed approach were voted on�:


A. ���� A Percentage of the Sale Value of the Property


18 Yes ����� ��������� 15 No


B.����� A Fixed Fee on the Sale of Each Property


9 Yes ������� ��������� 21 No


5.       Do Not Pre-Fund Any Capital Improvements


0 Yes ������� ��������� 39 No