June 15, 2010

Dear MKL Resident,


The Financial Committee (FC) of the MKL Association has studied long term capital projects of MKL. In doing this, the FC conducted Community Outpost meetings in 2009, and recently presented its conclusions and recommendations to the MKL community in an �Inform Meeting�, held on May 20, 2010. The Inform Meeting Presentation, and Minutes of the Inform Meeting, can be found on the MKL website. (Instructions on accessing the documents on the website are given later in this email.) Attendance at the Outpost and Inform meetings was somewhat low, and to ensure the FC understands the sentiment of the MKL community on its proposals, we�d appreciate you taking a few minutes to read this summary of the FC�s findings, and provide feedback to the FC on its proposals.



The Problem:

Long term, large-scale maintenance projects for the lake, water company and roads will cost MKL roughly $650,000 per decade (about $650 per-household per-year). In the past 10 years, our dues have increased substantially, and much of this increase was directed towards large scale infrastructure maintenance projects, which had not been planned for. But the ravages of time continue and before you know it, it will be time to do large scale maintenance again. The FC has proposed several methods to ensure funding is available to meet these projects, while limiting future dues increases to an amount necessary to meet inflationary increases in operating expenses.


The Proposal:

1.                               Establish a Membership fee for new property owners at MKL. The FC selected this option because such fees are common to homeowner associations and condos with common property. This fee would be 1% of the sale price of the property, would be paid by the buyer at closing, and would go into effect on July 1, 2011. It would not be applicable to persons moving within the community, or to new owners receiving property via inheritance. This fee is estimated to effect about 4 property transfers per year, and generate $300,000 per decade. (This funding source would effectively unload residents of dues for infrastructure projects of about $300 per-household per-year)


2.                   Reduce property taxes on Lakeshore lots by 50%, by putting some of the lots into a conservation easement and tax-abated status. This would render the lots undevelopable, and thus un-sellable, in return for paying no taxes on them. (Some Lakeshore lots are already in this status � this proposal would put more of them into it). This proposal should generate about $190,000 per decade. The FC selected this option because:

a.                 a. Residents have indicated an aversion to increased development at MKL. Tax savings would be a way of generating funds without increasing dues. (This funding source would effectively unload residents of dues for infrastructure projects of about $190 per-household per-year.)

b.    It seemed to the committee to be wasteful of resident dues to continue to pay taxes forever on property where there is a very high probability that it would never be sold or developed. Nevertheless, the six most valuable lots owned by Lakeshore would not be subjected to any restrictions and would thus be available for a future sale in the event of an unanticipated major emergency.


3.                               Continue at least half of the current $400/yr/residence roads fee after the current road loan is paid off in 2012. This $200/yr/residence should generate about $186,000 over the decade. As discussed in the Q&A section of the MKL website, the disposition of the current roads fee will be discussed at the January 2012 Annual Meeting.


4.                               Put these accumulated funds into separately (and conservatively) managed Reserve Funds.


Without increasing dues or assessments, these measures should generate about $676,000 for the decade, approximately the dollar requirement needed to meet the large-scale maintenance projects.


The full Inform Meeting Presentation and Minutes of the Inform Meeting (as well as other background material on the FC�s proposal) are available on the MKL Website. The straw poll below is also available there. Here are instructions on how to log onto the website:


web address: wwww.mountkemblelake.org

login: mklresident

password: 425


After you log onto the website, the yellow �What�s New� box on the first page contains a link to a page with information on the FC work, the Inform Presentation and this proposal.


Thanks for your participation and input.

The MKL Long Range Financial Planning Committee



Straw Poll: What Do You Think?

Please take a few minutes to answer the following 5 questions and send us your response. Note that this is only a straw poll - your answers aren�t binding, and your votes and comments will be kept anonymous. An official balloting process will proceed after the committee has evaluated the responses and sentiment of the MKL community. To respond by email just copy and paste the questions below into a reply email. After pasting the questions, eliminate the Yes or No you don�t want, leaving the one you do want. Please email your response to densonlori@yahoo.com. If you don�t want to answer by email, you can print off the questions or use the hard copy put in your mailbox, circle your answers, and put it in Lori Denson�s mail box at 20 Primrose Trail. Please vote early, but not more than once per household! We�d appreciate hearing from you by June 24.


Straw Poll Questions:


1. Do you support creating Reserve Funds as a way to meet large scale cyclic maintenance project costs:

����������������������� ��������Yes No


������������������ 2. Do you support a 1% membership fee paid by new property owners?

�������������������������������������������������� Yes ����No


3. Do you support putting all but 6 Lakeshore lots into a conservation easement with tax abatement, and putting the tax savings into a Reserve Fund?

��������������� �� Yes No


4. If you said yes to question 3, please answer this question: The FC recommended keeping in their current unabated tax status the six most valuable lots, with value based on the Harding tax assessment. The committee modified this approach based on Inform Meeting input suggesting that tax appraisals may not be a good valuation technique. Based on recommendations from three members of the MKL community active in the real estate industry, the list of the six most valuable properties was modified. Do you agree with this method for determining which lots to keep unabated?

������������������������������ Yes��������� No


If you answered No to question 4, please suggest an alternative method for lot selection:



5. Would you like a committee member to contact you by telephone or in person to discuss some aspect of the FC proposal?

���������������������������� Yes ����No


Please provide any other information/opinion/suggestions/comments you�d like the FC to know: