Minutes of FC meeting

June 29, 2010


Attendees: Rick Barrett, Austin Godfrey, Lori Denson, Davor Gjivoje, Terry Dwyer, Bob Yingling


The purpose of this meeting was to review the Straw Poll conducted in mid-June.


Overall the results of the poll were quite supportive of the FCs proposals.

The following specific areas were discussed:


1% Membership Fee:

A small number of responses suggested a flat fee (i.e. a fixed number of $, and/or a reduced amount). The committee decided to keep its proposal with a 1% of Sale Price fee because:

-         this type of fee is usual and customary among Homeowner�s Associations

-         the 1% proposal garnered substantial community support (79%)

-         it has a built-in adjustment for inflation

-         the amount of this fee is part of a program which allows complete funding of upcoming maintenance obligations

One comment suggested that this fee was unfair to short time residents. The committee discussed this and noted that buyers would:

-         be made aware of the non-refundability of the fee

-         were subject to analogous non-refundable fees (e.g. real-estate commissions, surveys, title searches, etc) when holding a property for a short mount of time.

Another comment suggested that this fee would cost homeowners 1% of the sale price of their house. The FC also discussed this and emphasized

-         that a sound financial basis for the community can enhance the selling price of a house

-         buyers are buying more than their own lot � they are getting access to recreational and social facilities, and should expect to pay more than just the cost of their physical structures.


Conservation Easements:

There was overwhelming community support for this concept (90%). Nevertheless, there was a non-negligible number of comments on lot selection. After considerable discussion, the FC decided to continue with the methodology and lot selection described in the straw poll and Qs&As. (lots are 2 ballfields, near Coor, near McGoldrick, near Kern, near Collier) and to present this to the community in the Special Meeting.


Documents for Special Meeting:

Austin proposed shortened proxies (which are the same as ballots) each with a single encompassing proposal. The FC discussed how to handle the (also simplified wording) for the by-laws changes. Ultimately the group decided that the proxies would be the single-proposal with bylaws attached for those who wished to read the actual wording.


Next Steps:

- Lori will prepare summaries of the comment categories received during the straw poll. Terry will produce and circulate for FC comment draft responses to them.

When these are in a satisfactory state they will be circulated to the MKL email community.

- Austin will make edits to the proxies to produce single resolutions and circulate for comment within a few days.

- Terry will author a cover letter for the Special Meeting.


Tentative Schedule:

- FC meeting on 7/13 (7:30pm, Terry�s house) to prepare for Special Meeting. Davor will lead discussion of �get out the vote� efforts.

- proxy delivery to residents on 7/14

- Special Meeting on July 29.