Serves 6


Submitted by Cassy Merenda

Runner-up, MKL Cooking Contest, April 14, 2007


Serve this French beef stew with egg noodles or boiled potatoes.   If nicoise olives are not available, kalamata olives, though not authentic, can be substituted.  Cabernet Sauvignon is our favorite wine for this recipe, but Cotes due Rhone and Zinfandel also work.  Our favorite cut of beef for this recipe is chuck-eye roast, but any boneless roast from the chuck will work.  Because the tomatoes are added just before serving, it is preferable to use canned whole tomatoes and dice them yourself – uncooked, they are more tender than canned diced tomatoes.  Once the salt pork, thyme, and bay leaves are removed in step 4, the daube can be cooled and refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 4 days.  Before reheating, skim the hardened fat from the surface, then continue with the recipe.


¾      ounce dried porcini mushrooms, rinsed well

1       boneless beef chuck-eye roast (about 3-1/2 lbs) trimmed of excess fat and cut into 2” chunks

1-1/2 tsp table salt

1       tsp ground black pepper

4       Tbsp olive oil

5       ounces salt pork, rind removed

4       large carrots, peeled and cut into 1” rounds (about 2 cups)

2       medium onions, halved and cut into 1/8” thick slices (about 4 cups)

4       medium garlic cloves, sliced thin

2       Tbsp tomato paste

1/3    cup all-purpose flour

1       bottle bold red wine (see note)

1       cup low-sodium chicken broth

1       cup water

4       strips zest from 1 orange, removed with vegetable peeler, each strip about 3” long, cleaned of white pith and cut lengthwise into thin strips

1       cup pitted nicoise olives, drained well

3       anchovy fillets, minced (about 1 tsp)

5       sprigs thyme, tied together with kitchen twine

2       bay leaves

1       can (14-1/2 oz) whole tomatoes drained and cut into ½” dice

2       Tbsp minced fresh parsley leaves


1.      Cover mushrooms with 1 cup hot tap water in small microwave safe bowl; cover with plastic wrap, cut several steam vents in plastic with paring knife, and microwave on high power for 30 seconds.  Let stand until mushrooms soften, about 5 minutes.  Lift mushrooms from liquid with fork and chop into ½ “ pieces (you should have about 4 Tbsp).  Strain liquid through fine mesh strainer lined with 1 paper towel into medium bowl.  Set mushrooms and liquid aside.


2       Adjust oven rack to lower middle position; heat oven to 325 degrees.  Dry beef thoroughly with paper towels, then season with salt and pepper.  Heat 2 Tbsp. oil in large heavy bottomed Dutch oven over medium high heat until shimmering but not smoking; add half of beef. Cook without moving pieces until well browned, about 2 minutes on each side, for total of 8 to 10  minutes, reducing heat if fat begins to smoke.  Transfer meat to medium bowl.  Repeat with remaining oil and remaining meat.


3.      Reduce heat to medium and add salt pork, carrot, onions, garlic, and tomato paste to now empty pot, cook, stirring occasionally, until light brown, about 2 mins.  Stir in flour and cook, stirring constantly, about 1 min.  Slowly add wine, gently scraping pan bottom to loosen browned bits. Add broth, water, beef, and any juices in bowl.  Increase heat to medium high and bring to full simmer.  Add mushrooms and their liquid, orange zest, ½ cup olives, anchovies, thyme and bay, distributing evenly and arranging beef so it is completely covered by liquid, cover partially and place in oven.  Cook until fork inserted in beef meets little resistance (meat should not be falling apart) 2-1/2 to 3 hrs.


4.  Discard salt pork, thyme, and bay leaves.  Add tomatoes and remaining ½ cup olives; warm over medium-high heat until heated through, about 1 min.  Cover pot and allow stew to settle, about 5 mins.  Using spoon, skim excess fat from surface of stew.  Stir in parsley and serve.


(We think this recipe is from Cooks Illustrated)