Olive Surprises

By Theresa Jones

(makes 36 appetizers)


Preheat Oven 400 degrees


¼ cup (1/2 stick) soft butter or margerine

¼ tsp salt

1 cup sharp cheddar (grated)

¼ tsp paprika

½ cup flour (sifted)

3 dozen medium stuffed olives

pinch cayenne (optional)


1.   Cream together butter and cheese until blended.

2.   Add remaining ingredients except olives.  Mix well.  Chill for 15-20 minutes.

3.   Shape a small portion of the dough around each olive.

4.   Bake for 15 minutes and drain on paper towel



·       These freeze well before baking so they can be on hand, when needed.

·       Grate the cheese in a food processor.  Easiest if the cheese is very cold, even somewhat frozen.

·       These take time but then are easy when ready to bake.

·       The entire dough can be mixed in the processor

·       Good Luck!