By: evelyn/athens

Apr 15, 2003



2¾ hours | 1 hour prep



SERVES 8 -10




   * 5 medium ripe tomatoes

   * 5 medium green peppers

   * 3/4 cup olive oil   [Note from Gail A. -- I only used 2 Tblsps. oil mixed into 3/4 cup water]

   * 15 tablespoons rice ( i.e. 1 1/2 tblsps per tomato or pepper, to be stuffed)

   * 1 large onion, chopped fine (about 1 1/2 cups)

   * 3 garlic cloves, minced very fine

   * 1/4 cup fresh spearmint, minced (1 1/2 tblsps dried, crumbled)

   * 1/2 cup parsley, minced (or cilantro)

   * 1/2 cup pine nuts or slivered almond

   * 1/2 cup hard mizithra cheese or kefalograviera cheese or parmesan cheese, cut into tiny cubes

   * 1/2 cup sultana raisins

   * 1 teaspoon salt

   * 1/2 teaspoon pepper

   * 1 1/2 cups water

   * 1/2 cup olive oil

   * 1 tablespoon tomato paste

   * salt and pepper




  1.  Cut off tops of tomatoes (retain tops) and carefully scoop out flesh (retain this flesh and juices).

  2.  Cut off tops of peppers (retain tops) and remove and discard seeds and membrane.

  3.   Place tomatoes and peppers in a pan large enough to hold them comfortably upright and give each veg a tiny dash of sugar with the tips of your fingertips.

  4.  Take reserved tomato flesh and juice, and process it until pureed.

  5.  Add olive oil, rice, onion, garlic, mint, parsley/cilantro, nuts, cheese, sultanas, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper (or season to taste), and stir to mix.

  6.  Stuff the vegetables evenly with this mixture.

  7.  Replace tops of tomatoes and peppers.

  8.  Combine 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup olive oil with a scant tablespoonful of tomato paste and a little salt and pepper and pour this liquid around the veg.

  9.  Bake in a preheated 375 degree F oven for approx 1 3/4 hours (vegetables should pierce easily and be slightly blackened in parts).  [Note from Gail -- If the peppers are larger than the tomatoes, then they may require more time for all of the rice to cook]

 10.  Turn off oven and leave in for another hour to'mellow' before serving.

 11.  This is best served slightly warm or at room temperature.

 12.  It is wonderful eaten along with little bites of feta cheese and a cool glass of white or rose.

 13.  It will also have yummy juices begging to be mopped up with bits of crusty bread.

 14.  You also can take 3-4 medium-sized potatoes, cut them into big wedges, toss in a little olive oil with salt and pepper to taste, and'plant' in the spaces amidst the vegetables.  That way you can have a couple of wedges of potato too.