We are planning another bike ride starting a little earlier and including lunch at the end of the ride.  


Joan Fitzhugh has volunteered to lead this ride. 



WHEN & WHERE : Thursday May 5th,2011  9:45 am  in the rear of the Far Hills Train Station (Rt 202).  The group will be leaving at 10 am sharp.


CARPOOLING FROM MKL:  If you need a ride or have room in your car for a passenger and bike, please contact Nancy Barrett no later than May 4th for arrangements.  Her home phone is 973-425-1414, cell is 201-650-3890.


RAIN NOTICE: Watch your email, a cancellation will be sent by 9am the day of the ride in case of rain or threatening weather.



This 13-mile ride is very scenic.  The first half of the ride is relatively flat, on narrow roads through the woods, past a lake and partially along a stream.  There are two moderately steep but short stretches on the first half that are easily walked.  The return half of the ride is rolling with wider vistas of estates and horse properties.  Some of these uphills are long but not steep.  The downhills are lovely rewards.


I'll provide route instructions for everyone.  Riders are encouraged to go at their own pace.  We'll work out a system so that someone waits at each intersection until the next riders catch up.


Riders are requested to bring and carry cell phones. And plenty of water.


BEFORE YOU COME, riders should check their bikes, pump their tires and lubricate their chains.  Also each rider should have a spare tube (and tire irons and pressure guage) with them as well as a means to inflate it...or ride with someone who is carrying a pump or inflator.


See you in Far Hills.   


Jane Dwyer