Swimming Groups at MKL
What these group do: The mermaids and minnows are
informal groups of like-minded residents who swim in MKL.

When the groups meet: Our swim time for "tomorrow" is
decided at the end of "today's" swim.  And if we can't find a
mutually agreeable time, we don't worry about it.  The length and
route for each swim is decided in real time and if someone
doesn't really want to swim that far or that long or that slow or
that fast, again, we don't worry about it.

Other Group Activities: These groups sponsor a TGIF during
the Summer. Click
here for photos of the 2010
Mermaids/Minnows' TGIF.

MKL Swimming Venues: click here

Group Contact: Joyce Murray (425-0646,

Activity Resources: click here