Inform meetings (12/8/2007 & 12/13/2007)
Meeting Notice
Presentation Given at Inform Meetings

Proxies for joint Lakeshore/Association
meeting (Jan. 19, 2008)


Bylaws Prior to Jan. 19, 2008 Annual Meeting

New Bylaws to be voted upon at
     Jan 19, 2008 Annual Meeting

Copy showing differences between Prior and New Bylaws
   (In difference document, text struck out indicates text to be deleted.
                   Underlined text indicates text to be added)

Bylaws Prior to Jan. 19, 2008 Special Meeting

New Bylaws to be voted upon at
      Jan 19, 2008 Special Meeting

Copy showing differences between Prior and New Bylaws
     (In difference document, text struck out indicates text to be deleted.
                   Underlined text indicates text to be added)
2008 Organizational Streamlining