Comprehensive Proxy/Ballot for Voting on All By-laws


The proxies for the bylaw changes are attached.  If you will not be attending the meeting, please execute these bylaw proxies ASAP and RETURN THEM TO the


Association Secretary: Tawnya Kabnick

1 Beach Trail

or to the

Community Mail Box at 3 Trails End (across from Clubhouse).


Since the Finance Committee proposals were extensively discussed at the annual meeting, it is anticipated that this will be a brief meeting. You may thus want to vote by proxy but, since a 2/3 approval is necessary, please submit your proxy ASAP even if you plan on attending. You can always change your vote at the meeting.


In order to simplify voting your proxies, you may approve or disapprove ALL the BY-LAW CHANGES from both Lakeshore and the Association AT ONCE by putting a mark on the appropriate line below and returning this page to the Secretary. Of course, feel free to vote each proxy individually if that is your preference.


If you use this page to vote all your proxie/ballots, do not execute any other proxy/ballots.).


I/WE approve all the proxies ______


I/WE do not approve any of the proxies  ______


How many Association votes does my home have (circle one): 1 or 2.


Signature:_____________________          Signature:__________________

Printed Signature:_____________________          Printed Signature:__________________



Note: Homes owned by two members are entitled to two Association votes. If the property is owned by only one resident, that resident can designate in writing to the Board “an additional resident aged 21 or above” who can vote as a second member for that home. If no such designation has been made, the home is entitled to only one Association vote.


 Lakeshore has only one vote per home.


If you are entitled to two Association votes, two signatures are required. Otherwise, only one vote will be registered if only one signature is present.