Special Meeting on April 27, 2011 at 7:00pm

at the MKL Clubhouse

to Vote on Three By-law Amendments


The Finance Committee (FC) has been working for two years on a funding plan to establish a long term “Capital Reserve” to pay for major maintenance projects at Mount Kemble Lake. With the support of the boards of the Association and Lakeshore the FC has proposed three by-law amendments . The proposed by-laws will be voted upon at this meeting.  A summary of them is as follows:


1.    Put ALL lots owned by Lakeshore (with the exception of the two ball field lots) in permanent conservation easements to lower property taxes. 

2.    Institute a MKL Association new-members fee equal to one year’s total dues (Association + Lakeshore), based on the dues at the date of closing, payable in four installments. This amount can also be prepaid. This fee would not begin until one year after its approval and would not be charged to inheritors of property, or a resident moving within the Lake.

3.    Make the buyer of a residence responsible for any unpaid dues or fees if they are not paid by the seller in order that the buyer will require the seller to pay all amounts before closing. The purpose of this amendment is for the buyer to require that the seller cover all outstanding amounts as a condition of closing. The Lake has substantial amounts currently at risk on properties awaiting sale. Buyers will be informed about this by-law and account statements provided when requested.


Related Documents

Detailed discussion about the proposals

Comprehensive Proxy/Ballot to vote all the by-laws as a package.

Lakeshore Land Proxy/Ballot

Association Membership Proxy/Ballot

Lakeshore Dues Collection Proxy/Ballot

Association Dues Collection Proxy/Ballot


You can utilize the Comprehensive Proxy to vote on all of the proposed by-law changes at once. Alternatively, you can vote on each by-law change individually, and not use the Comprehensive Proxy. Please submit your proxy/ballots ASAP either to

                    Tawnya Kabnick

                    1 Beach Trail

                     Morristown, NJ 07960


or to the community mail box at

                   3 Trails End (across from the club house).


Please submit your proxies ASAP even if you expect to attend the meeting. You can always change your vote at the meeting, but sometimes a last minute conflict can prevent you from attending. It is always a challenge to get a quorum to vote on an amendment to the by-laws.