Important Notice


Lake Financial Challenges - Community Inform Meeting

Thursday, May 20, 2010, 7:00 PM - Clubhouse


This Inform Meeting will be an opportunity to hear and discuss the conclusions and recommendations developed by the Long-range Financial Planning Committee and supported by the Association Board.


The Committee has been working over the last year to:


·        Identify significant financial challenges for Mt Kemble Lake and;


·        Make recommendation to the Association and Lakeshore Boards for meeting those challenges.


This is your opportunity to hear about and discuss:


·        Projections for intermediate and long-range projects requiring significant funding;


·        Conclusions and Recommendations for funding for projects, including:


·        Raising dues

·        Membership Fee

·        Selling land

·        Reducing Services

·        Putting land in a conservation (reduced tax) status

·        Borrowing



Mt. Kemble Lake Association Board




Note: The spreadsheets containing the reserve analysis developed by the LR Financial Planning Committee will be post on the Mt Kemble Lake website next week.