Invitation to Attend an Outpost Meeting

November 12, 2009


Dear MKL Resident,


At the MKL Association Annual Meeting in January 2009, Association President Austin Godfrey announced the intention to form a temporary committee to study the long-term finances of the MKL Association and the Lakeshore Company. Since that time, the MKL Finance Committee has been formed and has been working on this project. As part of its plan, the committee will be holding a series of “Outpost Meetings” to present to the MKL community what it has learned, and to get your input, opinions and alternate ideas on a number of issues. These issues include potential changes to how MKL plans for future large projects and obtains revenues to fund them. So as not to overburden the MKL residents who have agreed to host the outpost meetings, the meetings have been set up geographically around the lake. You are invited to attend the following meeting:


Place:    The Allyn’s House, 8 Lake Trail West

Date:      December 3, 2009

Time:     7 PM.


If you would like to attend an outpost meeting, but cannot attend the one listed above, others meetings are available on the following dates:


Nov. 19, Nov. 23, Nov. 24, Dec. 2, Dec. 7, Dec. 10, Dec. 14


Please contact Lori Denson (, 973-425-8995) to arrange your attendance at an alternate meeting.


We look forward to your participation in the Outpost Meeting.


MKL Finance Committee