Notes from 1/27/09 Finance Committee (FC) Meeting



Attendees: Rick Barrett, Austin Godfrey, Davor Gjivoje, John Murray, Bob Yingling, Terry Dwyer


Subcommittees to investigate future costs and funding (or defunding) options for major assets:


Water Company

-         future costs – Rick

-         funding/defunding sources (e.g. outsourcing) – Rick & Terry


Clubhouse - John


Roads - Austin


Lake & Other Recreational Venues - Austin


Land – Bob, Rick & John


Dues, Fees, Assessments – Davor & Austin


Reserve Analysis – Terry & Bob



Bob will create a spreadsheet to capture the anticipated costs over say the next 20 years. Please send your info to Bob. This will lead to a “typical” per-year MKL budget over the next 20 years.


John will propose how to re-start the Long Range Planning (LRP) effort in coordination with the FC. The suggestion was for

-         the FC to concentrate on current asset maintenance/financing

-         LRP to identify future enhancements. Two lists: major & incidental

-         the Association board to select the most promising of the major enhancements for FC analysis

-         FC to analyze how to accommodate the enhancements identified by the Association board.




Next Meeting: end of March (Terry to set up)