Improving the Efficiency of MKL Governance
The Association and
Lakeshore boards have requested an investigation into improvements in the
efficiency of governing MKL. Improving the efficiency should:
duplicate work by consolidating the roles of the Association and the Lakeshore
Company in maintaining common property.
interactions between residents and the MKL government simpler, and thus less
error-prone (e.g. eliminate residents writing checks in the wrong amount and/or
to the wrong company).
internal governance tasks simpler and thus take less volunteer time.
these efficiencies will also enable financial savings in the governance of MKL.
A Proposal to Make MKL Governance More Efficient:
The maintenance of common
property has historically been split between the Lakeshore Company and the
Association, often leading to duplicate work in planning for, coordinating,
reserving for, and paying for particular maintenance activities. For example in order to implement the
recently approved reserve concept, it might be necessary to have reserve
accounts and accountings in each company. This would increase the complexity of
maintaining a reserve system and increase the work of the volunteer treasury
staff. To streamline our operations it is now proposed that ALL future
maintenance activities (operational and capital) be planned, performed and paid
for by the MKL Association. This addresses point 1 above.
Since the Association
will be paying for ALL maintenance activities, the recently passed measure to
partially fund maintenance from real estate tax savings created by deed
restricting Lakeshore properties will create mismatches in the Lakeshore and
Association companies between expenditures required for their operations and
their income. In particular, with its
reduced maintenance responsibilities the Lakeshore Company will have too much
revenue, and the Association, with its increased maintenance responsibilities,
will have too little income. We thus propose a restructuring of dues
collections in the two companies as follows:
all dues currently paid to Lakeshore would
be eliminated
MKL Association dues would be increased
by an amount equal to the eliminated Lakeshore dues. Thus MKL residents will see no difference in total yearly dues.
Payment amounts would be arranged so that payments would be the same every time
a payment is due.
Not only does this put maintenance money
in the correct company, but since dues would be paid to only the Association,
it eliminates a source of resident confusion on whom and how much to pay. This
meets point 2 above.
Additionally, it is currently the case
that multiple liens (Lakeshore and Assn) need be placed on properties
delinquent in their dues. With only one organization requiring dues this would
save in legal fees and take less volunteer effort in delinquency cases. Thus
this proposal meets point 3, and should also save expenses.
In order to pay its (non-maintenance) bills,
Lakeshore will charge the Association a negotiated rental fee for the use of
Lakeshore facilities and services, e.g. use of water system equipment,
recreational venue usage, road usage, etc. Note that Lakeshore would no longer
actually deliver water, it would rent its facilities
to the Assn to do so. It is proposed that a formal rental contract between the
orgs be created. The rental contract would:
Replace all prior maintenance/usage
arrangements between the companies
Dissolve the previous agreement between
Lakeshore and the Association to split the cost of the previous dam fix/ dredge
operations. Lakeshore would assume total responsibility for payment of the
loans outstanding for these past maintenance activities.
Require the Association to perform ALL
future operational and capital maintenance on Lakeshore properties and
Require the Association to pay a
negotiated yearly rental fee to Lakeshore.
Within the scope of Lakeshore’s deed
restrictions, permit the use of ALL Lakeshore facilities/properties by the
This arrangement would be internal to the companies and
would be opaque to MKL residents.
Eliminate Conflicts and Clarify the Bylaws
A number of places in
the bylaws contain conflicting requirements. Moreover a number of places are
not quite precise enough (e.g. distinguishing between late “fees” and interest
payments when dues are delinquent). It is proposed that such conflicts be
eliminated and clarifications made.
Actions Necessary to Carry Out this Proposal
In order to implement
this proposal the following would need to be performed
Lakeshore dues would be eliminated by
its board.
motion to raise dues in the Association would have to be adopted.
A new contract (i.e. rental agreement)
between Lakeshore and the Association would have to be created and approved by
their respective boards.
Minor revisions to the bylaws would
have to be made and approved.