Mount Kemble Lake Association, Inc.

Community Affairs Chairperson

Job Description


Mount Kemble Lake By-Laws Description:

Article II. Section 2 G. Community Affairs


The Community Affairs Committee is to be the communications link from the Board to the community.  It shall assist new residents of the community in understanding the structure of the community and encourage participation in its operation and activities.  The Community Affairs Committee shall consist of a Board member as Chairperson and two Association Members.


Specific responsibilities of the committee include:

1.      New Member orientation.

a.       distribution of the most current By-Laws of each community organization.

b.      distribution of the most current regulations of the Association.

c.       inviting new Members/residents to an orientation meeting, to include representatives from each of the three community boards, within six months of moving to the Lake.

d.      explanation of the structure and operation of community organizations and activities, e.g. clean-ups, social events.

e.      invite/escort to a community social function.

f.       liaison for questions.

2.      Member communications.

a.     community newsletter.

b.    MKL website

c. special event notification.

d. communication lists, e.g., phone, emergency.


Essential Duties:


New Member Orientation: There is no specific script for how to contact new members.  Visit new residents to introduce yourself or, if not at home, leave a note in the mailbox requesting they contact you. If all else fails, leave a package containing the by-laws, rules and regulations and a welcome letter, explaining the structure of the lake and welcoming them to the community.


The Secretary can supply you with copies of the Lakeshore, MKL Association and Country Club by-laws and the rules and regulations for the welcome packet.


As required, orientation meetings are scheduled periodically for new members. Select a date that is suitable for the three board presidents, who explain the function of their organizations, and Chris Allyn, who gives a short presentation on the history of the lake.  Next, contact the new members and set a date. Then send out invitations with the date, time and place noted.  The orientation meetings are generally been held at the committee chair’s home or at the home of one of the committee members.  Serve light refreshments. 


Schedule committee meetings to discuss ways to welcome new people. In recent years, the committee has put together welcome baskets for new residents that can be delivered personally by a committee member or distributed at the orientation meetings.


Member Communications:


Newsletter: While there is no set frequency for the newsletter, it is generally developed and distributed every two or three months – when there is sufficient material to put one together. If you have Microsoft Publisher or a similar software package, that facilitates laying it out.


It’s a good practice to send an e-mail to MKL board members, asking for their input.  Also poll other residents or committee chairs for noteworthy activities. The most effective method is to write something concerning their areas of interest and ask for their opinion-approval. Copies can be made (generally 100) at the little printing shop next to the Cinema in Bernardsville. Then deliver the newsletter by putting them in residents’ mailboxes. Carol Irving, who has been chair of this committee, says there is really no specific pattern for writing a newsletter. “I have found what works for me, another person may choose a different method.”  


MKL Website: Within the past year, Terry Dwyer has created the MKL website and is managing its content and growth. He continues to develop the site, adding information and is constantly on the lookout for additional material to add to the site.


The site ( contains an event calendar, resident directory, houses of MKL, nature at MKL, Lost & Found, Goods & Services Exchange, Tennis Page, VSA Schedule, Planning Committee, MKL Newsletters, Meeting Minutes, Governing Organization documents, historical photos of the community, flag schedule, garden page and more.


The login is mklresident. Password is 425.


For comments, suggestions or content, contact:


Communications Lists: John Murray has been taking care of the phone/emergency list, updating them periodically.