Mt. Kemble Lake Association, Inc.


Job Description


Mt. Kemble Lake Association By-Laws:

Article IV. Section D.1.b.  Grounds Committee - shall have responsibility for:

­   Developing and maintaining community property, such as but not limited to:  the tennis court, playgrounds, gardens, trees and grass areas as well as the clubhouse grounds.

­    Maintaining all community signs and signposts except road signs.

­   Maintaining sight clearances on community property at road intersections.

­    Contracting for and supervising services related to these responsibilities.




· All committees with respect to their operations, expenditures and policies shall be responsible to the Board.

· All committees shall report on their activities at the Annual Meeting of the Association.

·  OC Chairpersons shall be selected by vote of the Board and must be members of the Board.

·  OC members shall serve for a minimum of two years.

·  The Operations Committees shall be responsible for herein defined maintenance and supervision of MKL community property and activities designated in these By-Laws to be the responsibility of the Association.  Changes to community property that is owned by Lakeshore Company shall receive prior approval by the Lakeshore Board.

·  OC Chairs shall maintain and periodically update a job description to at least include:  responsibilities; a maintenance and task calendar; a sample budget outline; a list of owned equipment (location of equipment and manuals, upkeep schedule); a list of vendors with name, address, phone, types and schedules of services.

·  All Operations Committees, shall consist of a Board Member as Chairperson and at least two additional Association Members.



General duties:


1.  Committee Formation:  Find Association Members to serve on this committee.  Due to this committee being responsible for a number of varied areas in the community, it works well to have sub-committees (each with their own “chair”) or individuals designated to maintain each area (i.e,, a “tennis” committee, a “goose patrol”, a garden “chief”; all reporting to you.  It’s also useful to have one or two other people who work directly with you on all the other areas.

2.   Maintenance of the cleanliness and tidiness of all “grounds” areas.

3.  Alertness to behavior of users for safety and protection of facilities.  Reporting problems to the Board

4.   Regular observation (weekly or more depending on season and usage) of all areas of responsibility throughout the year, including the “off season”, for signs of need, deterioration or damage (human- or nature-caused).

5.  Goose Patrol:  In January or February, submit last year’s results to US Fish & Wildlife and submit application for Depredation Permit to addle the eggs.  In March, set up a Goose Patrol group who will regularly patrol.  Inform all residents to be vigilant on their own property as well as communal property and to notify the Goose Patrol of the location of nests.

6.  Budget is prepared for the following year beginning in December, reviewed in January and February, and presented at the annual meeting in March.




Clubhouse Area: Maintenance of the clubhouse lot includes lawn mowing, bush/shrub maintenance (trimming, fertilizing), deck flower planters, tree trimming, mulching, weeding, leaf raking. Mowing is performed by an outside contractor. Leaf raking is usually done at fall cleanup. Flowers are to be planted in deck planters, maintained throughout the summer, and removed in the fall.


Garden: Maintenance of the garden includes:

-         allocation/deallocation of garden plots

-         maintenance of tiller and other garden tools

o       tiller stored in clubhouse basement

o       hand tools in shed at garden

-         ordering of compost (well-aged horse  manure) and sand

-         maintenance of water system

-         maintain/repair fence and gates including vine removal

In the spring, it’s a good idea to send a notice to all gardeners reminding them of good garden practices, including:  Turning off the water when leaving the garden, keeping gates closed at all times to keep rabbits out, keeping hoses at the edges of paths, keeping the areas outside the garden fence neat, using non-toxic control products, etc.


Playground: Maintenance of the playground includes periodic painting of the jungle-gym (every 5 years – last done in 2005), oiling of the swings, repair, replacement of components of playground equipment as needed, periodic safety checks.


Tennis Courts: Maintenance of the tennis courts is outsourced to a contractor. Typically they prepare the tennis court in the spring. In addition, usage of the court should be monitored/regulated to reduce potential damage.  The water system to the court should be maintained and vines cut down from the fence around it. Winterization needs to be performed in November, and includes:

taking up the lines, taking down the net

store lines, nets, benches and brushes in the Clubhouse.

turn off the water in the pumphouse

drain the sprinkler system

remove water fountain

leave the sprinkler valves open.

          padlock the doors.


Lawn Areas (Beach, Tennis Court and Garden): Maintenance here includes law mowing (done by contractor) and tree trimming. Removal of goose feces (if any) on the beach lawn is done by the Beaches and Docks committee. Cleanup of beach toys, etc. is done by Beaches and Docks.


Fishin’ Hole: Maintenance here includes weeding of the area and care of bushes/trees.


Lakeshore Lots:

1.  Most of this maintenance is the felling/removal of dead trees and the removal of felled or           downed trees. Trees which are to be felled include:

-         dead trees adjacent to homeowners properties

-         dead trees which might fall on parked cars (e.g. near beach parking lot)

-         dead trees which could fall on recreation areas (e.g. tennis court, garden)

2.  Trees to be cut up and removed include:

-         trees which have fallen and obstruct roadways

-         felled trees which are adjacent to roadways or homeowners properties

3.  Trees to be left on ground (i.e. not cut up or taken away) include:

      - trees which have fallen naturally and are interior to Lakeshore lots.


Road Shoulders:

1. Maintenance of road shoulders is done in conjunction with the Roads Committee, and consists of          leaf raking during fall and spring cleanups, small branch removal, and litter removal.

2. The new growth of plants with woody stems should be discouraged so they don't get overgrown and impede sight lines for drivers (i.e., every couple of years cutting with a strong weed-       whacker or brush hog).

3.  Sightlines at intersections and around curves are to be kept clear for drivers.


Bus stop: general maintenance.


Signs: Maintenance/replacement of all “community “ signs including at the tennis court, beach, Fishin’ Hole and inter-changeable signs for the green posts (TGIF, Beach Cleanup, etc.).  The latter are kept in the clubhouse basement.  Street signs are the responsibility of the Roads Committee.  Responsibility for all “community” signs is kept to one person/committee in order to maintain consistency in the appearance of signs throughout the community and to simplify communication with the vendor.


Disposal Area: This area holds leaf, limb and yard debris from homeowners’ lots. Maintenance largely entails keeping the area neat and periodic notifications of homeowners re appropriate usage (area is not open to lawn maintenance services).  Area should have separate delineated sections for leaves and branches.  Areas may be separated and designated by fencing with appropriate signs.  Periodically hire someone with a chipper to chip all branches.  If disposal area is behind the garden, be careful that disposed materials do not block garden drainage.  Decomposed material may be made available for gardeners.


Miscellaneous: Tools used and maintained by the Grounds Committee include:

-         hand garden tools, wheel barrows – kept in shed at garden

-         tiller (covered with secured tarp)– at garden spring, summer and fall, at clubhouse during      winter

-         chainsaw – kept at clubhouse