Mount Kemble Lake Environmental Stewardship Committee



To: Jane Kendal

      Sharon Krizko

      Chris Allyn

      Joan Baumgarten

      Nancy Barrett

      Jodi Mead


Thank you for volunteering to be on the Environmental Stewardship Committee ("ESC"). The role of the ESC is outlined in the Association By Laws. As a subcommittee of the Association Board the ESC role is primarily to provide environmental information and education to the community and, as requested by the Board, research and advise on specific projects that might impact the environment we enjoy at the Lake. At present the Board has no specific project to task the ESC, but is open to suggested projects.


As a subcommittee of the Board the ESC should appoint a Chairperson to lead meetings and communicate with the Board, and a secretary to take minutes. Minutes should be provided to the Board and posted on the community website. Environmental information, materials and/or reports that the ESC plans to distribute to the community should be provided to the Board for review prior to distribution.  Barbara Coe has volunteered to represent the Board as an at large ESC committee member and thus should be the Board contact point for the ESC.


The Board looks forward to working with the ESC and recognizes the benefit of providing timely environmental information to the community.