Mount Kemble Lake Association, Inc.

Board Secretary

Job Description


Mount Kemble Lake By-Laws Description:

Article XII, Section 4.  Secretary - The Secretary shall keep the minutes and other official reports of the Association and shall perform such duties as the Board may assign.


Essential Duties:


By-Laws:  read and become familiar with the By-Laws.  They are the legal basis for the operations of the Association and the Board of Trustees.


Monthly Meetings of the Board:

1.  At organizational meeting after Annual Meeting:

·        Establish schedule of monthly meetings for upcoming year (By-Laws require a minimum of 10).  Type and distribute to Board members.

·        Obtain email addresses, street addresses & phone numbers (including work numbers) for all Board members.  Also include Committee members (see #3 below).  Type and distribute to Board.


2.  Prepare Minutes of all meetings.  See Secretary's records for format. 

·        Include date, time and place of next meeting as reminder. 

·        The minutes of the meetings of the Board are to be distributed to Board members within one week following the meeting by email or via hard copies in mailboxes.

·        The minutes of Board meetings also are to be distributed to the  Board members and Secretaries of Lakeshore Company and Country Club within one week of the meeting by email or via hard copies in mailboxes (names are in newsletter).


3.  Committees required by By-Laws:  ask Board Members responsible to obtain and identify their Committee members (add to Board member list described in #1 above).


Records of the Board:

The official records of the Association maintained by the Secretary include:  Board meeting minutes, Annual Meeting minutes, insurance records (for all 3 MKL organizations), certificate of incorporation and annual corporate registration records, copies of By-Laws, copies of Rules & Regulations, miscellaneous correspondence, copies of new letters, absentee Members' addresses.


The last two years' records should be kept in a fireproof lock box.


The Secretary shall be responsible for the Record Room in the Clubhouse or shall designate that responsibility to another Member of the Association (reporting to the Secretary).


Corporate Registration of the Association:

·        In May or June, the "Annual Report Filing Form" will be received from the N.J. Dept. of State, Division of Commercial Recording.  Instructions are given on the form.  The form must be completed each year and sent in with the $15 registration fee (obtain check from Treasurer).  Copy of prior completed form found in Secretary's records as model.


·        The Board Secretary is identified as the Association's "agent".  When there is a new Secretary, the "Agent Certificate of Change" portion of the form must also be completed.  A separate fee is charged.  See form for amount (obtain separate check).


Checking Account Signatory: The Secretary (along with the President and the Treasurer) is a designated signatory for the Association's checking account.  The Treasurer will obtain the bank forms necessary to designate a new Secretary as a signatory.  The By-Laws require that all Association checks be signed by two officers.


Insurance Policies: The Secretary of the Association (by agreement with Lakeshore and Country Club):

·        Shall either act as insurance liaison between the Mt. Kemble Lake organizations (Association, Lakeshore and Country Club) and the agent and insurance companies who provide the community's insurance or shall designate another Member of the Association (reporting to the Secretary) for that position.

·        Maintains files of all insurance policies, requests premium checks from the Treasurer, sends in all payments, supplies copies of statements to the Treasurer (after check is received), maintains a checklist of policies received and payments made, organizes and submits the Worker's Compensation annual audit.

·        Annually updates descriptive list of insurance policies and distributes to all members of all 3 Boards (update following last premium payment of the year)


 Annual Meeting (in March):

Prior to the meeting (see By-Laws for requirements):


·        In January, the Board should appoint a Nominating Committee to arrange for a slate of candidates to be presented for election (although the By-Laws specify "one month prior to the annual meeting", that is not enough time).  Request the Chair of the Nominating Committee to notify you of the slate as soon as possible.


·        Update the address list for Absentee Members.  Get updates from the Chair of Community Affairs and the Secretaries and Treasurers of Lakeshore and Country Club.  The By-Laws require that all Members receive the slate at least 10 days before the Annual Meeting.  That means that notices, proxies and ballots must be mailed to Absentee Members about 15 days before the meeting.


·        Prepare and distribute notice of Annual Meeting, proxy forms and ballots.  In notice, include Agenda and Candidates for election.  Any proposed dues increases or amendments to the By-Laws must be specifically noted.  See Secretary's records for format used in the past.  Absentee notices are mailed.  Others are left in mailboxes.


·        The By-Laws stipulate that the Annual Meeting be held the 2nd Saturday in March.  The fiscal year ends with the last day of February.  The intervening days allow the Treasurer enough time to pay final bills and prepare an accurate financial report for the meeting.


·        If the meeting date needs be on a different date, written notice must be given to the membership 30 days in advance of the 2nd Saturday in March.


·        Prepare Roll Call list:  See By-Laws definition of "Member" (property owners and spouses).  Get updated list of property owners (Stockholders) from Lakeshore to create a roll-call list.  Add spouse names (if not also property owners) to list.  Renting tenants and significant others are not Members and cannot attend/vote at the Annual Meeting or submit proxies or absentee ballots.  Count the number of Members (it will vary slightly from year to year as new residents move in).  Quorum is half of the Membership plus one (or more).  Note the required number at the top of the Roll Call list.


·        Ask all Trustees and Committee Chairs to provide you with either a written copy of their report or a summary to be included in the Minutes.  You will not have time at the meeting to take adequate notes!!!


·        Materials to take to meeting:

1)  Roll call list

2) Absentee ballots and proxies already submitted

3)  Minutes of prior Annual Meeting (to be read)

4)  40-50 blank ballots (more if controversial subjects are being discussed; attendance will be heavier)

5)  Proxy identification slips (slips of colored paper with the word PROXY printed on them).  Give one to each designee named on a proxy form to verify their right to vote issues such as the Proposed Budget in the place of an absentee Member.  If no completed ballot was submitted by the absentee Member, also give the designee a ballot.

6) Extra pens and pencils

7) Signs instructing attendees holding proxies/ballots to give them immediately to you.  Post one on clubhouse door and others inside.  Proxy designees may pick up Proxy Identification Slips from you.


·        Mark all proxies and absentee ballots received on the Roll Call list before the meeting.  Proxies and absentee ballots should be delivered to you no later than one hour before the meeting


At the meeting:

·        Some people will have a neighbor hand-carry their absentee proxies and ballots to the meeting.  Try to get the recording of these done before the meeting starts.  It will speed up Roll Call!

·        Call the Roll when prompted by the President.  Count attendees and absentee proxies.  Determine if the quorum has been met.

·        Read the Minutes of the last Annual Meeting.

·        Record the meeting, especially Old and New Business and the results of any votes.

After the meeting:

·        Prepare, distribute to Board Members (and Secretaries of the other 2 organizations) and file a copy of the Minutes of the Annual Meeting.  File a copy of the Treasurer's Financial Report.


Clubhouse Rental Application Forms: Update Clubhouse Rental Application Forms as indicated by the Board.  File a master copy.  Provide a master copy to the Treasurer.  The Treasurer maintains files of both blank and completed forms and handles the application process (since 1998).


Budget: Budgets are prepared for the following year beginning in December, reviewed in January and February, and presented at the annual meeting in March.


Revised February 2006