Please complete and submit to Treasurer within 2 weeks of party date.


PARTY NAME ________________    PARTY DATE: ____________


CHAIRPERSON(S) _________________________


Party Income:

# on Committee __________        @$__________ = $____________


# of Guests ___________ @$__________ = $____________


                                      Subtotal Door receipts         $____________


Money Collected at the Bar $____________


Other (please explain) $____________


Subtotal Bar and Other receipts         $____________


Total Party Income                                $___________ [A}


Party Expenses:

Food/Decorations/Invitations         $__________


Entertainment                         $__________


          ___________________                $__________

Other (please explain)

                                              Subtotal Total Party Expenses             $___________ [B]

Money Turned Over to Country Club Treasurer:


Checks total $__________            Cash Total $__________


Total of funds with this report      $___________ [C]


Is C equal to A minus B?   Yes/No


If “Yes,” report balances and can be turned in, congratulations!     If “No,” please continue. . .



Common reasons for imbalance:

Are expenses included that must be paid by Treasurer? Yes/No         $__________

Did Party receive advance(s) for expenses? Yes/No                            $__________


If neither account for the difference, please call Treasurer to discuss further.


Revised 10-09 – J Murray