MKL Patriots July 4, 2006 Photos Courtesy of Bettina Bierly, Mary VanKirk and Mark Qualben click on photos to ENLARGE
We've reached the tipping point
Err ... Blue Trunks ... you need another leg!
Now, where did I leave that train?
Who's that blond-haired interloper?
Hmmm .. whom to bet on in the 3 legged race?
Organizing these Kids is a lot of work!
Phil: When we moved to MKL ....
Nancy: what century was that?
May we see your DAR card?
"What do you want Carolyn?"
"And that's how .... we conclude this Geometry Proof"
Starting the: "What I did this Summer" Essay
"Boy, that food went fast!"
"Could you show me how to work my VCR? ... Please?"