Minutes of the

Special Meeting Regarding Three Proposals

August 16, 2007


Austin Godfrey opened the meeting at 7:35 pm. Barbara Coe, secretary pro tem, took roll. 57 present plus 60 proxies constituted a quorum under the By Laws


The proposals for consideration and voting were read from the distributed proxies.


Proposal 1. Increase  the annual assessment $400 starting with the October 2007 semi annual assessment.


Proposal 2. Reallocate up to $30,000 for the dredging reserve to road repair.


Proposal 3. Authorize the Association to borrow up to $200,000 from a commercial bank.


By reference a copy of the ballot is attached.


John Murray outlined long-range planning survey priorities, which included improvements to clubhouse foundation and entry steps, Lake protection and Roads repair. Austin and John outlined the proposed road rebuilding plan. Township engineer Fox oversaw the plan.


Projected costs for the road proposals:

          Rebuilding:                   $270,000

          Milling:                              65,000

          Patching:                          30,000            

          Contingency                     35,000


          Total                             $400,000  


Following the presentation there was a question and answer period  that ran close to 2 hours at which time no new questions were on the floor. Christine Davies proposed a “sunshine clause” to the $400 dues increase. Austin deferred taking on this motion until a future meeting, as it had not been announced prior to this special meeting. Christine’s proposal will be put forward at the next annual meeting.


After the question and answer period a motion was made and seconded to vote on the three question above. Ballots was collected and added together with proxies. The ballots and proxies were then counted by several members of the community not on the Board.


The vote was reported  back with the following results:

71.3 % passed proposal 1

86.3 % passed proposal 2

71.3 % passes proposal 3


Each proposal was passed by the two thirds 2/3, required by the Association’s By Laws


The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 pm



                             Barbara Coe, secretary pro tem