Special Meeting Notice

Mt. Kemble Lake Association

Thursday August  16th 7:30 - Mt Kemble Lake Clubhouse



A special meeting of the Mt Kemble Lake Association is being called to present and vote on three funding proposals involving the proposed upgrade and improvement of Mt. Kemble Lake roads.


Background: The results of the recently completed Long Range Planning Survey highlighted the priority for many residents of significantly and aggressively upgrading our roads.  The Mt. Kemble Lake Association has prepared recommendations for the repair and/or replacement to many sections of our roads. These were discussed in detail at a Community Inform meeting on June 16th where residents were able to see and discuss the plans that have been developed as well as to learn about the funding recommendation that would support those plans. Based on positive feedback at that meeting the Association is prepared to move forward by requesting the approval of Association members to put in place the funding that will allow the upgrades to start this year.


A map of all projects along with a summary of the funding recommendations is attached.


Proposals: The following proposals will be presented and voted on at the Special Meeting. A 2/3rd vote of those present or represented by proxy is required for approval.


Proposal 1 – Authorization for a $400 increase in the dues paid to the Association, effective with the next dues statement.


Interpretation – If approved, the Association will bill all Association members for an additional $200 with the next bill statement in October, 2007. Thereafter, $200 would be added to the regular semi-annual dues statement for a total of $400 additional per year. A “Yes” vote authorizes the increase in dues.


Proposition 2 – Authorization to reallocate up to $30,000 of excess reserves from the dam debt to road improvement projects.


Interpretation – If approved, the Association could reallocate up to $30,000 of the excess loan amount intended for but not needed to complete the dam improvement project to fund road improvements. A “Yes” vote authorizes the reallocation.


Proposition 3 – Authorization to borrow against the credit of the Association, up to $200,000 to be used solely for the upgrade and improvement of Lake roads.


Interpretation – If approved the Association would be authorized to enter into the commercial loan market to obtain loans of up to $200,000 as needed to pay for completed road work. A “Yes” vote authorizes borrowing.


Voting: Attached is a ballot for use by up to two people if you are going to be unable to attend the meeting. These should be returned to the Secretary before the start of the meeting. Please contact me if you need an additional ballot form.


                                                                        Nancy A. Priscu


                                                                        Mt. Kemble Lake Association

                                                                        Trails End

July 15, 2007