Beach Cleanup
May 26, 2007
Photos Courtesy of Terry Dwyer
Click on Photos to ENLARGE
Fowl really fouled
the swim float!
Gen-Next pondering
how to clean it up
Adult supervision in form
of Nancy Priscu dispatched
to organize the cleanup
Nancy shows them the
proper technique
Returning from the
scene of the mess
the board of overseers
(l to r) Bob Gray, Nancy,
Charlie Priscu, Mark
Hey - they did a great job!
Nancy really knows her sh*t!
Volunteers ready to muckrake, poop-scoop,
sand-shovel and weedwhack!

Beaches&Docks Chair
(Bossman) Don Kuhn at far right
Bill Canada -
looking for missing
fishing lure?
Roe Bowden getting
MKL ready for the mermaids
Jane Dwyer:
"What the muck!"
Kevin Sullivan
showing nice form
Filling up carts
Piles of fun -
The spoils of work!
Bob Edgar Carting
on the scene
Loading it up
Where's the rest of
the muck!
Err ... Bob ...
your equipment is
Mark Qualben
off in the weeds!
Jeannie McCabe(l): "When's break?"
Teeny Kuhn(r): "Never, Bossman is
a slavedriver!"
What! we have to rake
the whole lakebed?
Don Kuhn (l) and Bill Canada (r)
untying the Gordian Knot
of the float line
Joyce Murray attacked
by a savage grass clump!
Taking five alongside
beautiful MKL
Back to work!
Kids test out consistency
of beach sand
The water is fine too! (brrr)
Perfect for
sand castle making!
Piratess Sally  Curtiss
takes the Plunge
"When I was young ...
I was a veritable sandhog!"
Harvard arrives to
congratulate the workers!
Three Generations of
Baumgartens helped out!
Now we know who
bought Elvis'
Blue Suede Shoes