Fall Cleanup
November 17, 2007
Photos Courtesy of Ray Jones
Click on Photos to ENLARGE
The crew is ready after ....
a hearty donut breakfast!
Ken Heiden:
"I can't hear you!"
Ruth Chaney:
"I love big machines!"
Fenton Chaney:
Ready for action!
Bob Edgar & Joyce Murray
Cutting Up
A little Instruction
is in order here!
Fire Lane Crew:
"Let's burn the leaves!"
Ray and Theresa
Lorraine Negele
Rake Dancing
What Leaves?
Kathy Wawczak and
Bill Manser
Kathy works, Bill watches
George Burd
Cass & Mick Merneda
"Ok, we filled the mailbox ...
..where do we put the rest?"
Kris Alvey
So happy in her work!
Cacky & Don
5th Break time!
Twinkle: "Only one rake"
Phil" "You take it!"
"Blow leaves? no way ...
We're Ghostbusters!"