Fall Cleanup
November 22, 2008
Photos Courtesy of Ray Jones
Captions Courtesy of Terry Dwyer
Click on Photos to ENLARGE
Carl Bonar, event chef:
"Hey Bettina ...let's pay the
clubhouse heating bill already!"
Carl preparing lunch:
"Think they'll eat this stuff?"
Theresa Jones:
"These people will eat anything ...
and everything!"
Munchkins on the prowl ..... for donuts!
Chris Allyn ...
pockets stuffed with donuts?
Phil Van Kirk ...
just how cold did he think it was?
Diane Bonar (l) and Cacky Bell (r) ...
double trouble
Mark Baumgarten ...
"The donuts are gone?"
Jim Irving ...
stunned at the news that
the donuts were already eaten
Jayne Roland:
"What do you mean 'No
more donuts?'"
Ken Heiden ...
looks like he needs that coffee!
Twinkle Tong ...
ready for her happy meal ...
Jeff Sabol & Boys
John Murray   ...
out on a day pass?
Jane Dwyer (r) explains that
it's more than breakfast & lunch ...
a TAD BIT of work is involved ...
Bob Edgar playing with a
new toy?
Ready to Start ...
"Where do we nap?"
The Work Crew Prepares - Food First!
Starting Up Work Crew and Machinery