Mt Kemble Lake Newsletter

September 2008


MKL Association Board  Members


President                     Austin Godfrey

Secretary                     Nancy Priscu

Treasurer                    Bob Yingling

Beaches & Docks      Don Kuhn

Clubhouse                   Bettina Bierly

Community Affairs    Barbara Coe

Grounds                     Diane Bonar

House Maintenance    Jane Dwyer

Roads                         Gail Chalfant



Lakeshore Co. Directors


President                     Rick Barrett

Treasurer                    Newton White

Water Co.                 Bill Manser

                             Ray Negele

Secretary                     Lori Denson


Country Club Board Members


President                     Carl Bonar

Secretary                     Ruth Chaney

Treasurer                    David Dietz

Bar Chairperson         Mick Merenda

Social Chairperson     Karen Sabol


Coming Events



· September 19…. Golf TGIF

· October 1 ….Water Company

· October 17….EMT Party

· October 26….Children’s
Halloween Party

· Novermber ?...Pub Party

· November 22...Fall Road Cleanup

· December 5….Holiday Crafts TGIF

               Happy Autumn!



Sept 1?….Labor Day Party tbd








Welcome, New Neighbors!


David Smith, son of Ellie Smith Burd of Trail’s End, has moved into the former Jacobsen home on Lake Trail East. The Zalis family, including Eric, Montserrat, and Gideon, are on Primrose Trail in the former Kaplan home. And please welcome the Preislers, Alice and Simon, Albert and Oscar, on Beach Trail. Most recently, Phil and Peggy Connors and son Patrick have moved into the Standing home on Lake Trail West. Welcome, all!


Great Blue Heron on Mt Kemble Lake
photo by Mike McGoldrick

“Island Rhythms” Featured at Labor Day Party


A lively steel band and sumptuous feast celebrated the waning days of the beach season and beginning of fall at the Lake. Thanks to Bobbi Coulter & Jay Pultz , Chair; and committee Cacky Bell, Gail Chalfant, Ruth & Fenton Chaney, Helen & Charlie Duffy, and Cassy & Mick Merenda for a memorable evening.




Save the Dates!


Wednesday, October 1— An informal meeting about projects for the Water Company will take place at the Clubhouse at 7:30. All are invited.

January 16—The joint Annual Meeting of Lakeshore and the Association, as provided for in the recently revised  bylaws, will be held.

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