Beach Cleanup
May 9, 2009
Photos & Captions Courtesy of Terry Dwyer
Click on Photos to ENLARGE
Don Kuhn's Dreaded
Chore List
Listless just reading the list!
Diane Bonar:
"He must be kidding!"
Kathleen Cwirko and Jay Pultz -
Conspiring to evade the list?
He's Made a List ...
Barbara Coe -
turning her back on the list?
And so the chores begin
with a most Unpleasant Task  ...
but such a Pleasant Worker
Nancy Priscu demonstrates the
"Poop-Pushing Technique"
to clean the fouled-float ...
And now the more common
"Mopping Technique" ...
finally,  the Golfing Technique  ...
and so pleased with her shot ...
Thanks Nancy!
Almost Stumped ...
Tim Lukacs begins chopping
out a toe-stubbing stump ...
Charlie Priscu contemplates
another whack ...
Bob Gray demonstrates an
experienced hand's  technique ....
Success ...
excavation of a 50 pound tree root!
And there was the traditional beach raking
Jane Dwyer practicing her
Ballroom Raking technique ...
While her daughter Tara
lends a hand ...
and granddaughter Sophia
really gets into it ...
Kathleen Cwirko (l) and Teeny Kuhn (r)
so happy that the underwater leaves
were removed during the beach's
reconstruction ...
Nancy Barrett ...
inspecting the rakers' work or
looking for shells?
And there still was some time for play