MKL Skating Party
January, 2009
Photos courtesy of Nancy Priscu and Lisa Qualben
Captions courtesy of Terry Dwyer
Click on Photos to ENLARGE
Host Bob Edgar getting fortified
for day's skating events ...
and giving instructions to  event judges
Mark Qualben and Bruce Scolnick
Cheryl Kern
preparing for events and ...
... that wine draws another
Spectator, Nancy Priscu
participants lacing up
for a go at the ice
A word of encouragement ...
A little cheering ...
A little reassurance from mom ...
... last minute thoughts before making
an appearance
So much fun!
Roe Bowden following the ice trail
George and Ellie Burd ...
Ice Dancing
Warming up for barrel jumps?
Bobbi Coulter takes in the action ...
while Ed Bierly (l) and Jay Pultz (r)
grab some HEAT
The sidelines ... always a favorite spot
Ed Bierly (l) and Charlie Priscu ...
taking a break
Lisa Qualben (l) and Chreyl Kern (r)
Approval from the sidelines