Mt Kemble Lake Newsletter

March 2009


MKL Association Board  Members


President                     Austin Godfrey*

Secretary                     Nancy Priscu*

Treasurer                    Bob Yingling*

Asst. Treasurer          Cliff Bridge

Beaches & Docks      Don Kuhn

Clubhouse                   Bettina Bierly

Community Affairs    Barbara Coe

Grounds                     Diane Bonar

House Maintenance    Bruce Scolnick

Roads                         Gail Chalfant

Water                         Rick Barrett


* Lakeshore Co. Board Members




Country Club Board Members


President                     Carl Bonar

Secretary                     Ruth Chaney

Treasurer                    David Dietz

Bar Chair                   Mick Merenda

Social Chair               Karen Sabol


Coming Events



· March 13….St Patrick’s TGIF           

· April  5…..Children’s Easter Party

· April 17…..TGIF

· April  18….Spring Road Cleanup

· May 2…….VSA Dinner

· May 9……Beach Cleanup

· May 22….Family TGIF








Remembering Millie Kiernen


Our community has lost a long time member in the passing of Millie Kiernen on January 26th. A resident of Lake Trail East, she lived at Mt Kemble Lake for more than 51 years.


Born August 3, 1932, she moved to the lake in 1958.  Her brother, Frederick, lives in Princeton.  See the Mt Kemble Lake website for more details of Millie’s life at the Lake.


Association/Lakeshore Reorganization Completed!


The first joint meeting of the Mt Kemble Lake Association and the Lakeshore Board  was held Friday, January 23, following a well-attended TGIF and including presentations by the two boards. The net result of the joint meeting is that the two organizations will continue to exist as separate entities but that the operations will be managed as though it was a single entity.


The purpose of this reorganization was to establish a more efficient management structure for the Lake. The community should now have a clearer idea of who is responsible for various areas. It will minimize redundant activities and sllow for a more efficient utilization of volunteer time.


Austin Godfrey, Bob Yingling, and Nancy Priscu were elected as the new president, treasurer, and secretary, respectively, to the Lakeshore Board at the January meeting. The Association Board is listed at left.  We welcome volunteers to work with our elected board members to help with the various responsibilities they oversee, so please feel free to call any of them and let them know your interest.


Bob Yingling as treasurer will oversee the financial aspects of the two organizations and presented a combined financial report that gave a consolidated picture of the financial status of the community. To help him manage this greater responsibility he will have an assistant treasurer, Cliff Bridge.




Spring Road Cleanup
Date Set!


Gail Chalfant, Roads Chair,  has set Saturday, April 18 for our Spring Road Cleanup. (Rain date will be the following Saturday, April 25.)


Save the dates and come out to help clear out the debris from the winter storms and beautify our community and personal properties!